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Types in the natural history collections in Bulgaria — Poecilimon affinis ruenensis Peshev, 1980 — specimen NMNHSINV0257

Poecilimon affinis ruenensis Peshev, 1980 [paratypes NMNHSINV0257] (2) (c) National Museum of Natural History, BAS — Invertebrates Collection (NMNHS-INV)
Poecilimon affinis ruenensis Peshev, 1980 [paratypes NMNHSINV0257] (c) National Museum of Natural History, BAS — Invertebrates Collection (NMNHS-INV)

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Specimen with identifier NMNHSINV0257 [Poecilimon affinis ruenensis Peshev, 1980] (c) National Museum of Natural History, BAS — Invertebrates Collection (NMNHS-INV)


Status: paratypes
Labelling: Osogovo 3.8.74 / 1335-1550 m alt. / Andreeva Ek.
Collection: National Museum of Natural History, BAS — Invertebrates Collection (NMNHS-INV) [No.: Pha-20]


Taxon Poecilimon affinis ruenensis Peshev, 1980

Regnum Animalia
Phylum/division Arthopoda
Class Insecta
Order Orthoptera
Family Phaneropteridae
Genus Poecilimon
Species Poecilimon affinis