
Gryllus (Locusta) caerulans Linnaeus, 1767 type species by subsequent designation of Sphingonotus (Sphingonotus) Fieber, 1852

Nomenclature (85)

  • Sphingonotus Fieber, 1852: 2.

    type species by subsequent designation Gryllus (Locusta) caerulans Linnaeus, 1767 in Kirby, 1910

  • Sphinctonotus [sic] Fieber, 1852 in Fischer, 1853: 52, 295, 401.
  • ... Show all ... (81)
  • Sphingonotus (Sphingonotus) Fieber, 1852 in Hemp & Rowell, 2020: 193.
  • Sphingonotus Fieber, 1852 in Dey, Hochkirch & Husemann, 2020

Nomenclature references (62)

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  • ... Show all ... (58)
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Descendants and synonyms


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