
Acrydium albomarginatus De Geer, 1773 type species of Chorthippus Fieber, 1852

Nomenclature (44)

  • Chorthippus Fieber, 1852: 1.

    type species Acrydium albomarginatus De Geer, 1773

  • Chorthippus Fieber, 1852 in Rehn, 1902: 317.
  • ... Show all ... (40)
  • Chorthippus Fieber, 1852 in Storozhenko, Kim & Jeon, 2015: 241.
  • Chorthippus Fieber, 1852 in Nolen, Yildirim, Irisarri, Liu, Groot Crego, Buchvaldt Amby, Mayer, Gilbert & Pereira, 2020

Nomenclature references (44)

  • Benediktov, A.A. (2005) Fauna and acoustic signals of the genus Chorthippus Fieb. (Orthoptera, Acrididae) from southern Siberia. Trudy Russkago Entomologicheskago Obshchestva [= Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae], 76, 118–130.
  • Bey-Bienko, G.Y. & Mistshenko, L. (1951) Keys to the Fauna of the U.S.S.R. [1964 English translation no. 40]. In Locusts and Grasshoppers of the U.S.S.R. and Adjacent Countries. Zoological Inst. of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow/Leningrad. Vol. 2, 385–667 [1–291]. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/224097#page/7/mode/1up
  • ... Show all ... (40)
  • Bolívar, I. (1909) Observaciones sobre los Truxalinos. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, 9, 285–296. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/17844#page/295/mode/1up
  • Bugrov, A.G., Novikova, O., Mayorov, V., Adkison, L. & Blinov, A. (2006) Molecular phylogeny of Palaearctic genera of Gomphocerinae grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acrididae). Systematic Entomology, 31, 362–368.
  • Burr, M. (1939) On the elytra of some grasshoppers of genus Chorthippus Fieb. Microscope, London, 3, 142–145.
  • Chlodny, J. (1969) The energetics of larval development of two species of grasshoppers from the genus Chorthippus Fieb. Ekol. pol., (A)17, 391–407.
  • Chopard, L. (1922) Orthoptères et dermaptères. In Faune de France. Fédération Française des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles, Paris. Vol. 3, 212 pp. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1093568
  • Coray, A. & Lehmann, A.W. (1998) Taxonomie der Heuschrecken Deutschlands (Orthoptera): Formale Aspekte der wissenschaftlichen Namen. Articulata Beiheft, 7, 63–152. Available at http://dgfo-articulata.de/downloads/articulata/beihefte/articulata_beiheft_07_coray_lehmann.pdf
  • Dang, L.-hong, Zheng, X.-yun, Guo, Y.-ping & Ma, E.-bo (2006) Genetic relationships among species in Chorthippus Fieber from Shanxi, China. Shanxi Daxue Xuebao Ziran Kexue Ban, 29, 414–420.
  • Defaut, B. (1988) La détermination des orthopteroides ouest-paléarctiques 6. Caelifera: Acrididae (suite). 7. Ensifera. 8. Mantodea. Travaux du Laboratoire d'Ecobiologie des arthropodes édaphiques, 6(1), 1–93.
  • Defaut, B. (2001) Actualisation taxonomique et nomenclaturale du "Synopsis des orthoptères de France". Matériaux Orthoptériques et Entomocénotiques, 6, 107–112.
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  • Grein, G. (1985) Bestimmungsschlüssel fur die Heuschrecken der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und angrenzender Gebiete. In Deutscher Jugendbund fur Naturbeobachtung. Hamburg. Vol. 1985, 1–56 pp.
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  • Hebard, M. (1934) The Dermaptera and Orthoptera of Illinois. Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History, 20, 125–279. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/14760321
  • Huo, G., Jiang, G., Sun, Z., Liu, D., Zhang, Y.-L. & Lu, L. (2007) Phylogenetic reconstruction of the family Acrypteridae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) based on mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 34, 294–306.
  • International Commission On Zoological Nomenclature, I.C.Z.N. (1961) Opinion 609. Longicorne (Acrydium) Latreille, 1804 (Insecta, Orthoptera); suppression by the plenary powers. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 18, 265–266. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/44460#page/303/mode/1up
  • Jago, N.D. (1971) A review of the Gomphocerinae of the world with a key to the genera (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 123, 205–343. Available at http://books.google.com/books?id=ELz9FCjoVVkC
  • Johnston, H.B. (1956) In Annotated catalogue of African grasshoppers. The Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 833 pp.
  • Johnston, H.B. (1968) Annotated catalogue of African grasshoppers: Vol. Suppl. The Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 445 pp.
  • Kirby, W.F. (1914) In Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Orthoptera (Acrididae). London. 276 pp. Available at http://www.archive.org/details/orthopteraacridi00kirbiala
  • Nolen, Z.J., Yildirim, B., Irisarri, I., Liu, S., Groot Crego, C., Buchvaldt Amby, D., Mayer, F., Gilbert, M.T.P. & Pereira, R.J. (2020) Historical isolation facilitates species radiation by sexual selection: Insights from Chorthippus grasshoppers. Molecular Ecology, 29(24), 4985–5002.
  • Otte, D. (1981) Acrididae: Gomphocerinae and Acridinae. In North American Grasshoppers. Harvard University Press, Cambridge. Vol. 1, 274 pp.
  • Pawelec, I. (1974) Uklad systematyczny gatunkow srodkowoeuropejskich rodzaju Chorthippus Fieb. (Orthoptera: Acrididae) w swietle badan eksperymentalnych. Annales Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska (Ser. C), 29, 91–105.
  • Rehn, J.A.G. (1902) Notes on some generic names employed by Serville, in the Revue Methodique, and Fieber, in the Synopsis du Europaischen Orthopteran. The Canadian Entomologist, 34(12), 316–317. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/18808#page/332/mode/1up
  • Reynolds, W.J. (1980) A re-examination of the characters separating Chorthippus montanus and C. parallelus (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Journal of Natural History, 14(2), 283–303.
  • Shumakov, E.M. (1963) Les acridiens et les autres orthoptères de l'Afghanistan et de l'Iran. Trudy Vsesoyeiznogo Entomologicheskojo Obshchestva, Moskva [= Horae Societatis Entomologicae Unionis Soveticae], 49, 3–248. [in Russian]
  • Storozhenko, S.Y., Kim, T.-W. & Jeon, M.-J. (2015) In Monograph of Korean Orthoptera. National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon. 377 pp.
  • Tarbinsky, S.P. (1925) Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Chorthippus Fieb. (Orth. Acridinae). Konowia, Zeitschrift für Systematische Insektenkunde, 4, 135–140. Available at http://www.biologiezentrum.at/pdf_frei_remote/KON_4_0135-0140.pdf
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  • Umnov, N.N. (1930) Neue Arten der Gattung Chorthippus Fieb. aus dem Zentral-Tjan-Schan. Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt, 4, 68–71.
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  • Vickery, V.R. (1967) Distribution on North American Chorthippus (Orthoptera: Acrididae, Gomphocerinae). Annals of the entomological Society of Quebec, 12, 100–131.
  • Willemse, F.M.H., von Helversen, O. & Odé, B. (2009) A review of Chorthippus species with angled pronotal lateral keels from Greece with special reference to transitional populations between some Peloponnesean taxa (Orthoptera, Acrididae). Zoologische Mededeelingen, 83(2), 319–507. Available at http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/314191
  • Xia, K.-L. & Jin, X. (1982) A study on the genus Chorthippus from China (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Entomotaxonomia, 4(3), 205–228.
  • Xu, S.-Q., Zheng, Z.-M., Li, H. & Takeda, M. (2005) Cladistics and phylogenetic analyses of the grasshopper genus Chorthippus Fieber (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Journal Entomological Science, 40(4), 461–470.
  • Yamasaki, T. (1968) A systematic analysis of the alpine grasshoppers of the genus Chorthippus in Honshu the main island of Japan. Sci. Rept. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku B, 13(201), 229–263.
  • Yin, X.-C. (1984) In Grasshoppers and locusts from Qinghai-Xizang Plateau of China. Science Press, Beijing. 1–287 pp.
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  • Zheng, Z.-M. & Xia, K.-L. (1998) Orthoptera. Acridoidea. Oedipodidae and Arcypteridae. Fauna Sinica, Insecta, 10, i-xv, 1–616; Insecta.
  • von Helversen, O. (1986) Gesang und Balz bei Feuldheuschrecken der Chorthippus albomarginatus-Gruppe (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere, 113(3), 319–342.

Descendants and synonyms

Gender, form, and etymology


Probably from Greek χόρτο, grass or lawn and ἵππος, horse.


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