
Acrydium femurrubrum De Geer, 1773 type species by subsequent designation of Melanoplus Stål, 1873

Nomenclature (68)

  • Monopterus Fischer von Waldheim, 1846: 252.
  • Melanoplus Stål, 1873: 79.

    type species by subsequent designation Acrydium femurrubrum De Geer, 1773 in Kirby, 1910

  • ... Show all ... (64)
  • Melanoplus Stål, 1873 in Defaut & Morichon, 2015: 238.
  • Bohemanella Ramme, 1951 (subjective synonym of Melanoplus Stål, 1873) in Storozhenko, 2023: 569.

Nomenclature references (59)

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Descendants and synonyms


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