
Gryllus (Acrida) nasutus Linnaeus, 1758 type species by subsequent designation of Truxalis Fabricius, 1775

Nomenclature (60)

  • Truxalis Fabricius, 1775: 279. (valid)

    type species by subsequent designation Gryllus (Acrida) nasutus Linnaeus, 1758 in Latreille, 1810

  • Truxalis Fabricius, 1775 in Fabricius, 1787: 231.
  • ... Show all ... (56)
  • Truxalis Fabricius, 1775 in Defaut & Morichon, 2015: 380.
  • Truxalis Fabricius, 1775 in Baba, Usmani & Naz, 2022: 1534.

Nomenclature references (50)

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Descendants and synonyms

Gender, form, and etymology


From Ancient Greek τροξαλίς, an insect resembling a grasshopper.


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