
Gryllidae Laicharting, 1781

true crickets; Grillen; grillons


Gryllus Linnaeus, 1758 type genus of Gryllidae Laicharting, 1781

Nomenclature (64)

  • Gryllidae Laicharting, 1781: Vorrede.

    type genus Gryllus Linnaeus, 1758

  • Gryllides [sic] Laicharting, 1781 (not Latin)

    type genus Gryllus Linnaeus, 1758

  • ... Show all ... (60)
  • Gryllidae Laicharting, 1781 in Rentz & Su, 2019: 64.
  • Gryllidae Laicharting, 1781 in Campos, Souza-Dias, Audino, Desutter-Grandcolas & Nihei, 2022: 15.

Nomenclature references (61)

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Descendants and synonyms


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