
Trigonidium (Trigonidium) cicindeloides Rambur, 1838

Le Grillon des jonchères; Käfergrille

Trigonidium (Trigonidium) cicindeloides Rambur, 1838: male in lateral view (from Croatia, Korcula Isl.). (Otu).
Trigonidium (Trigonidium) cicindeloides Rambur, 1838: male in lateral view (from Croatia, Korcula Isl.). (Otu).
Trigonidium (Trigonidium) cicindeloides Rambur, 1838: female in lateral view (from Croatia, Korcula Isl.). (Otu).
Trigonidium (Trigonidium) cicindeloides Rambur, 1838: female in frontal view (from Croatia, Korcula Isl.). (Otu).
Trigonidium (Trigonidium) cicindeloides Rambur, 1838: female from Portugal (Lagoa, 22 July 2006). (Otu).
Trigonidium (Trigonidium) cicindeloides Rambur, 1838: Pl. IX, Figs. 5, 5 b. female, dorsal view and hind tibia. (Otu).
CollectionObject 1591363; fae74e82-d15e-4edd-a71c-59224f813f67: male from Morocco (Dar Bouazza Lieu, Lac Dayat de Dar Bouazza). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1597360; 62501844-e3c6-4f96-94a4-73820d0f6223: female (MNE, Buljarice, 05.08.22). (CollectionObject).

Nomenclature (76)

  • Trigonidium paludicola Serville, 1838: 351.

    Syntype; b8bd8cef-247e-4b3b-a38f-6df6a7a372f1; Sardegna

  • Trigonidium cicindeloides Rambur, 1838: 39.

    Syntype; male; dfcb5d87-6a56-4a1a-804a-f85fcce2b202; deposited at: Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN); Spain: Andalucía: Malaga. Syntype; female; 56ba601f-dfe4-4bb4-8e03-e47a9fa359b0; deposited at: Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN); Spain: Andalucía: Malaga

  • ... Show all ... (72)
  • Trigonidium cicindeloides Rambur, 1838 in Willemse, Kleukers & Odé, 2018: 145.
  • Trigonidium (Trigonidium) cicindeloides Rambur, 1838 in Liu, 2022: 414.

Nomenclature references (63)

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Descendants and synonyms

Gender, form, and etymology


Named after the resemblance to a tiger beetle of the genus Cicindela.


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