
Antaxius (Cyrnantaxius) bouvieri Chopard, 1924

L'Antaxie corse; Corsican Mountain Bush-cricket

male, dorsal view (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1539760; 2452bbd9-7ae1-4ebc-932f-731e3b00ba1a, a CollectionObject.
male, dorsal view (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1539760; 2452bbd9-7ae1-4ebc-932f-731e3b00ba1a, a CollectionObject.
male cerci (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1539760; 2452bbd9-7ae1-4ebc-932f-731e3b00ba1a, a CollectionObject.
male face (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1539760; 2452bbd9-7ae1-4ebc-932f-731e3b00ba1a, a CollectionObject.
male, lateral view (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1539760; 2452bbd9-7ae1-4ebc-932f-731e3b00ba1a, a CollectionObject.
labels (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1539760; 2452bbd9-7ae1-4ebc-932f-731e3b00ba1a, a CollectionObject.
male stridulatory apparatus (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1539760; 2452bbd9-7ae1-4ebc-932f-731e3b00ba1a, a CollectionObject.
male pronotum dorsal (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1539760; 2452bbd9-7ae1-4ebc-932f-731e3b00ba1a, a CollectionObject.
male pronotum lateral (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1539760; 2452bbd9-7ae1-4ebc-932f-731e3b00ba1a, a CollectionObject.
male subgenital plate (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1539760; 2452bbd9-7ae1-4ebc-932f-731e3b00ba1a, a CollectionObject.

Nomenclature (8)

  • Antaxius bouvieri Chopard, 1924: 263.

    Holotype; male; 2452bbd9-7ae1-4ebc-932f-731e3b00ba1a; deposited at: Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN); France: Corse: entrance to Forêt d'Aitone

  • Antaxius bouvieri Chopard, 1924 in Nadig, 1933: 14.
  • ... Show all ... (4)
  • Antaxius bouvieri Chopard, 1924 in Braud, Sardet & Morin, 2002: 8.
  • Antaxius bouvieri Chopard, 1924 in Voisin, 2003: 31.

Nomenclature references (8)

Descendants and synonyms


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