
Platycleis grisea (Fabricius, 1781)

La Decticelle grisâtre; Graue Beißschrecke

Pl. 8. male habitus. Depicts Platycleis grisea (Fabricius, 1781), an Otu.
Pl. 8. male habitus. Depicts Platycleis grisea (Fabricius, 1781), an Otu.
male. Depicts CollectionObject 1579355; 5a92c638-e551-4222-aa79-06b1cec91833, a CollectionObject.
male. Depicts CollectionObject 1581727; 213857fc-78e4-4f0b-a47d-8a3ed6117cac, a CollectionObject.
female. Depicts CollectionObject 1581728; 87fc0b2d-7b77-4302-bc5e-59a14b1ac8f3, a CollectionObject.
female (Montenegro, Klacina, 14.8.2017). Depicts CollectionObject 1582077; 1c7bd6f5-1fcb-4116-a6ab-e56736ad5817, a CollectionObject.
male (Montenegro, Klacina, 14.8.2017). Depicts CollectionObject 1590699; 6621ee54-5168-440a-b403-60a93b631878, a CollectionObject.
male (SRB, Stara planina, 11.07.2021). Depicts CollectionObject 1593859; 38fcdee2-b5ad-4d97-bc53-66921a63c3cc, a CollectionObject.
male (SRB, Soko Banja, 13.07.2021). Depicts CollectionObject 1593859; 38fcdee2-b5ad-4d97-bc53-66921a63c3cc, a CollectionObject.

Nomenclature (65)

  • Locusta grisea Fabricius, 1781: 359. (valid)

    Syntype; 9462a9ca-7361-467c-a9a5-712a74b06e6d; Italy: Veneto: Monte Summano

  • Locusta grisea Fabricius, 1781 in Sowerby, 1806: 9, Pl. LXIV.
  • ... Show all ... (61)
  • Platycleis albopunctata grisea (Fabricius, 1781) in Korsunovskaya, 2016
  • Platycleis albopunctata grisea (Fabricius, 1781) in Skejo, Rebrina, Szövényi, Puskás & Tvrtković, 2018: 33.

Nomenclature references (63)

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Descendants and synonyms


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