
Tetrigidae Rambur, 1838

pygmy grasshoppers; Dornschrecken; grouse locusts


Tetrix Latreille, 1802 type genus of Tetrigidae Rambur, 1838

Nomenclature (58)

  • Tetrigidae Rambur, 1838

    type genus Tetrix Latreille, 1802

  • Tetrigidae Rambur, 1838 in Bruner, 1910: 89.
  • ... Show all ... (54)
  • Tetrigidae Rambur, 1838 in Itrac-Bruneau & Doucet, 2022: 418.
  • Tetrigidae Rambur, 1838 in Kasalo, Skejo & Husemann, 2023: 2.

Nomenclature references (58)

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  • ... Show all ... (54)
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Descendants and synonyms


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