Tettigidea armata Morse, 1895: Fig. 186. male, head, dorsal view. (Otu).
Tettigidea armata Morse, 1895: Fig. 186. male, head, dorsal view. (Otu).
Tettigidea armata Morse, 1895: Fig. 187. male, head, lateral view. (Otu).
Tettigidea armata Morse, 1895: Fig. 185. female, head, dorsal view. (Otu).
Tettigidea armata Morse, 1895: Fig. 188. female, head, lateral view. (Otu).

Nomenclature (23)

  • Tettigidea armata Morse, 1895: 107.
  • Tettigidea depressa Morse, 1895: 107.
  • ... Show all ... (19)
  • Tettigidea armata armata Morse, 1895 in Bland, 2003: 130.
  • Tettigidea armata Morse, 1895 in Silva, Cadena-Castañeda & Pereira, 2021: 47.

Nomenclature references (14)

  • Bland, R.G. (2003) In The Orthoptera of Michigan: Biology, Keys, and Descriptions of Grasshoppers, Katydids, and Crickets. Michigan State University Extension. 220 pp.
  • Cantrall, I.J. (1943) The ecology of the Orthoptera and Dermaptera of the George Reserve, Michigan. Miscellaneous Publications Museum of Zoology University of Michigan, 54, 1–184. Available at http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/handle/2027.42/56299
  • ... Show all ... (10)
  • Escalante G., J.E. (1979) Nota sobre saltamontes acridoideos del Alto-Urubamba, Cusco. Revista Peruana de Entomología, 22(1), 113–114. Available at http://www.revperuentomol.com.pe/publicaciones/vol22/NOTA-SOBRE-ACRIDOIDEOS-DEL-ALTO-URUBAMBA-CUSCO113.pdf
  • Hancock, J.L. (1902) In Tettigidae of North America. Chicago. 188 pp. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/25899
  • Morse, A.P. & Hebard, M. (1915) Fixation of single type (lectotypic) specimens of species of American Orthoptera. Division III. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 67, 96–106. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/17758#page/104/mode/1up
  • Morse, A.P. (1895) New North American Tettiginae. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. Devoted to Entomology in General, 3 & 2, 14–16 & 107–109. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/33774#page/24/mode/1up
  • Morse, A.P. (1904) Researches on North American Acrididae. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication, 18, 56 pp., 8 pls. Available at http://books.google.com/books?id=Ub0GAAAAYAAJ
  • Morse, A.P. (1908) Tettigidean notes and a new species. Psyche, a Journal of Entomology, 15, 25. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/45282#page/39/mode/1up
  • Otte, D. (1979) The primary types of Orthoptera (Saltatoria, Blattodea, Phasmatodea, and Mantodea) at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 130, 26–87. [1978]
  • Rehn, J.A.G. & Grant, H.J., Jr. (1958) The Batrachideinae (Orthoptera; Acridoidea; Tetrigideae) of North America. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 84, 13–103.
  • Rehn, J.A.G. & Grant, H.J., Jr. (1961) A monograph of the Orthoptera of North America (north of Mexico). Volume 1. Monographs of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 12, 1–255.
  • Rehn, J.A.G. & Hebard, M. (1914) Records of Dermaptera and Orthoptera from west central and southwestern Florida, collected by William T. Davis. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. Devoted to Entomology in General, 22, 96–116. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/34021#page/116/mode/1up
  • Silva, D.S.M., Cadena-Castañeda, O.J. & Pereira, M.R. (2021) Batrachideinae (Orthoptera: Caelifera: Tetrigidae): an overview of the most diverse tetrigids of the Neotropical region. Zootaxa, 4946(1), 1–84.
  • Vickery, V.R. & Kevan, D.K.M.E. (1986) The grasshoppers, crickets, and related insects of Canada and adjacent regions. Ulonata: Dermaptera, Cheleutoptera, Notoptera, Dictuoptera, Grylloptera, and Orthoptera. The Insects and Arachnids of Canada, 14, 1–918. Available at http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2016/aac-aafc/agrhist/A42-42-1985-14-eng.pdf

Descendants and synonyms


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