CollectionObject 1529892; NHRS NRM-ORTH 00112897, 84ba90c0-9bcf-473d-9996-0eb5836f0d99: female, lateral view (lectotype). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1529892; NHRS NRM-ORTH 00112897, 84ba90c0-9bcf-473d-9996-0eb5836f0d99: female, lateral view (lectotype). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1529892; NHRS NRM-ORTH 00112897, 84ba90c0-9bcf-473d-9996-0eb5836f0d99: female, lateral view (lectotype). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1529892; NHRS NRM-ORTH 00112897, 84ba90c0-9bcf-473d-9996-0eb5836f0d99: female, dorsal view (lectotype). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1529892; NHRS NRM-ORTH 00112897, 84ba90c0-9bcf-473d-9996-0eb5836f0d99: female, frontal view (lectotype). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1529892; NHRS NRM-ORTH 00112897, 84ba90c0-9bcf-473d-9996-0eb5836f0d99: labels (lectotype). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1552377; c7da8de2-c1e1-4eae-8d3f-2bd8dbc897e0, DORSA D081XF01: female, lateral view. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1552377; c7da8de2-c1e1-4eae-8d3f-2bd8dbc897e0, DORSA D081XF01: female, dorsal view. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1552377; c7da8de2-c1e1-4eae-8d3f-2bd8dbc897e0, DORSA D081XF01: labels. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1552378; ab370e4e-8ca3-410e-aa21-ed72d03b70db: female, lateral view. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1552378; ab370e4e-8ca3-410e-aa21-ed72d03b70db: female, dorsal view. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1552378; ab370e4e-8ca3-410e-aa21-ed72d03b70db: labels. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1552379; 5d0f6c5e-83ee-4161-937c-8ffaeea8b9c0: female, lateral view. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1552379; 5d0f6c5e-83ee-4161-937c-8ffaeea8b9c0: labels. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1574065; 0bafa949-1916-432c-9e9a-2b1cd2ced910: female, lateral view. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1574065; 0bafa949-1916-432c-9e9a-2b1cd2ced910: female, lateral view. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1574065; 0bafa949-1916-432c-9e9a-2b1cd2ced910: female, dorsal view. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1574065; 0bafa949-1916-432c-9e9a-2b1cd2ced910: female, frontal view. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1574065; 0bafa949-1916-432c-9e9a-2b1cd2ced910: labels. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1575685; ed70f5ef-568c-4d92-a2d1-57a2bfe4ce46: male, lateral view. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1575685; ed70f5ef-568c-4d92-a2d1-57a2bfe4ce46: male, lateral view. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1575685; ed70f5ef-568c-4d92-a2d1-57a2bfe4ce46: male, dorsal view. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1575685; ed70f5ef-568c-4d92-a2d1-57a2bfe4ce46: male, frontal view. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1575685; ed70f5ef-568c-4d92-a2d1-57a2bfe4ce46: labels. (CollectionObject).

Nomenclature (13)

  • Mnesarchus scabridus Stål, 1877: 55.
  • Discotettix scabridus (Stål, 1877) in Bolívar, 1887: 307.
  • ... Show all ... (9)
  • Discotettix (Mnesarchus) scabridus (Stål, 1877) in Skejo, Pushkar, Kasalo, Pavlović, Deranja, Adžić, Tan, Rebrina, Muhammad, Abdullah, Japir, Chung & Tumbrinck, 2022: 49.
  • Discotettix scabrides [sic] Stål, 1877 (misspelling of Mnesarchus scabridus Stål, 1877)

Nomenclature references (12)

  • Blackith, R.E. (1992) Tetrigidae (Insecta; Orthoptera) of Southeast Asia: Annotated catalogue with partial translated keys and bibliography. JAPAGA, Wicklow, Ireland, i-liv, 1–248.
  • Bolívar, I. (1887) Essai sur les Acridiens de la tribu des Tettigidae. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique, 31, 175–313. Available at
  • ... Show all ... (8)
  • Bruner, L. (1915) Preliminary catalogue of the Orthopteroid insects of the Philippine Islands. University Studies, 15(2), 195–281 [1–87]. Available at
  • Descamps, M. (1970) Revision des Pseudomastacinae (Orth. Eumastacidae). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 6(3), 613–635. Available at
  • Günther, K. (1938) Revision der Acrydiinae, I. Sectiones Tripetalocerae, Discotettigiae, Lophotettigiae, Cleostrateae, Bufonidae, Cladonotae, Scelimenae verae. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 23, 299–437.
  • Hancock, J.L. (1907) Orthoptera Fam. Acridiidae. Subfam. Tetriginae. In Genera Insectorum. P. Wytsman [Ed.]. V. Verteneuil & L. Desmet, Bruxelles. Vol. 48, 1–79 pp. Available at
  • Kevan, D.K.M.E. (1966) Some Orthoptera-Caelifera from the Philippine, Bismarck and Solomon Islands, with a few interesting records from New Guinea and the Moluccas. Entomologiske Meddelelser, 34, 375–420. Available at
  • Kirby, W.F. (1910) A Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera (Orthoptera Saltatoria, Locustidae vel Acridiidae). British Museum (Natural History), London, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 674 pp. Available at
  • Muhammad, A.A., Tan, M.K., Abdullah, N.A., Azirun, M.S., Bhaskar, D. & Skejo, J. (2018) An annotated catalogue of the pygmy grasshoppers of the tribe Scelimenini Bolívar, 1887 (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) with two new Scelimena species from the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra. Zootaxa, 4485(1), 1–70.
  • Skejo, J., Pushkar, T.I., Kasalo, N., Pavlović, M., Deranja, M., Adžić, K., Tan, M.K., Rebrina, F., Muhammad, A.A., Abdullah, N.A., Japir, R., Chung, A.Y.C. & Tumbrinck, J. (2022) Spiky pygmy devils: revision of the genus Discotettix (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) and synonymy of Discotettiginae with Scelimeninae. Zootaxa, 5217(1), 1–64.
  • Stål, C. (1877) Orthoptera nova ex Insulis Philippinis descripsit. Öfversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlinger, 34(10), 33–58. Available at
  • de Elera, C. (1895) Ortópteros. In Catálogo sistemático de toda la fauna de Filipinas. Vol. 2, 189–223. Available at

Descendants and synonyms

Gender, form, and etymology


Sabrous, relating to very small tubercles on the pronotum.


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