female, lateral view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1578176; OUM 735 4/4, a7ef7d67-db95-4c3b-81f8-c0fced7ffdee, a CollectionObject.
female, lateral view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1578176; OUM 735 4/4, a7ef7d67-db95-4c3b-81f8-c0fced7ffdee, a CollectionObject.
female, labels (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1477253; 09c6a3b7-6d3b-436d-a23a-fcb3ed005eac, a CollectionObject.
female, frontal view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1586195; ce4f9575-2a33-4eb5-a1c2-d61e0c42ecbc, a CollectionObject.
female, frontal view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1578176; OUM 735 4/4, a7ef7d67-db95-4c3b-81f8-c0fced7ffdee, a CollectionObject.
male, lateral view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1578175; OUM 735 3/4, 0bcfa692-5174-4680-b729-a9b0cc56c50d, a CollectionObject.
female, dorsal view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1586196; 135ce65f-5c22-4864-a8ec-f441d277dd41, a CollectionObject.
female, labels (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1521855; OUM 735 1/4, 99334a09-fe02-4e4c-9360-f5468ec9af4c, a CollectionObject.
male, dorsal view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1578175; OUM 735 3/4, 0bcfa692-5174-4680-b729-a9b0cc56c50d, a CollectionObject.
female, lateral view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1521855; OUM 735 1/4, 99334a09-fe02-4e4c-9360-f5468ec9af4c, a CollectionObject.
female, syntype (dorsal view). Depicts CollectionObject 1506104; 44c6b8e5-291f-4e15-a731-a97e51b47c6c, a CollectionObject.
female, lateral view (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1477253; 09c6a3b7-6d3b-436d-a23a-fcb3ed005eac, a CollectionObject.
female, dorsal view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1586195; ce4f9575-2a33-4eb5-a1c2-d61e0c42ecbc, a CollectionObject.
male, labels (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1578175; OUM 735 3/4, 0bcfa692-5174-4680-b729-a9b0cc56c50d, a CollectionObject.
female, lateral view (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1477253; 09c6a3b7-6d3b-436d-a23a-fcb3ed005eac, a CollectionObject.
female, dorsal view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1578176; OUM 735 4/4, a7ef7d67-db95-4c3b-81f8-c0fced7ffdee, a CollectionObject.
female, lateral view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1578176; OUM 735 4/4, a7ef7d67-db95-4c3b-81f8-c0fced7ffdee, a CollectionObject.
male, lateral view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1578175; OUM 735 3/4, 0bcfa692-5174-4680-b729-a9b0cc56c50d, a CollectionObject.
female, lateral view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1521855; OUM 735 1/4, 99334a09-fe02-4e4c-9360-f5468ec9af4c, a CollectionObject.
female, labels (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1578176; OUM 735 4/4, a7ef7d67-db95-4c3b-81f8-c0fced7ffdee, a CollectionObject.
female, syntype (lateral view). Depicts CollectionObject 1506104; 44c6b8e5-291f-4e15-a731-a97e51b47c6c, a CollectionObject.
female, syntype (lateral view). Depicts CollectionObject 1506104; 44c6b8e5-291f-4e15-a731-a97e51b47c6c, a CollectionObject.
female, lateral view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1586196; 135ce65f-5c22-4864-a8ec-f441d277dd41, a CollectionObject.
female, frontal view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1521855; OUM 735 1/4, 99334a09-fe02-4e4c-9360-f5468ec9af4c, a CollectionObject.
labels (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1586196; 135ce65f-5c22-4864-a8ec-f441d277dd41, a CollectionObject.
female, lateral view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1586195; ce4f9575-2a33-4eb5-a1c2-d61e0c42ecbc, a CollectionObject.
female, dorsal view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1521855; OUM 735 1/4, 99334a09-fe02-4e4c-9360-f5468ec9af4c, a CollectionObject.
syntype (labels). Depicts CollectionObject 1506104; 44c6b8e5-291f-4e15-a731-a97e51b47c6c, a CollectionObject.
female, lateral view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1586195; ce4f9575-2a33-4eb5-a1c2-d61e0c42ecbc, a CollectionObject.
female, syntype (frontal view). Depicts CollectionObject 1506104; 44c6b8e5-291f-4e15-a731-a97e51b47c6c, a CollectionObject.
female, frontal view (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1477253; 09c6a3b7-6d3b-436d-a23a-fcb3ed005eac, a CollectionObject.
female, dorsal view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1578174; OUM 735 2/4, fe9597ab-ab91-4f26-a856-a2454ceec704, a CollectionObject.
female, lateral view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1578174; OUM 735 2/4, fe9597ab-ab91-4f26-a856-a2454ceec704, a CollectionObject.
male, frontal view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1578175; OUM 735 3/4, 0bcfa692-5174-4680-b729-a9b0cc56c50d, a CollectionObject.
female, lateral view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1578174; OUM 735 2/4, fe9597ab-ab91-4f26-a856-a2454ceec704, a CollectionObject.
female, lateral view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1586196; 135ce65f-5c22-4864-a8ec-f441d277dd41, a CollectionObject.
female, labels (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1578174; OUM 735 2/4, fe9597ab-ab91-4f26-a856-a2454ceec704, a CollectionObject.
female, dorsal view (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1477253; 09c6a3b7-6d3b-436d-a23a-fcb3ed005eac, a CollectionObject.
female, frontal view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1586196; 135ce65f-5c22-4864-a8ec-f441d277dd41, a CollectionObject.
labels (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1586195; ce4f9575-2a33-4eb5-a1c2-d61e0c42ecbc, a CollectionObject.
female, frontal view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1578174; OUM 735 2/4, fe9597ab-ab91-4f26-a856-a2454ceec704, a CollectionObject.

Nomenclature (181)

  • Tettix japonicus Bolívar, 1887: 263.
  • Tettix sibiricus Bolívar, 1887: 265.

    Syntype; female; 44c6b8e5-291f-4e15-a731-a97e51b47c6c; deposited at: Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Geneva, Switzerland (MHNG); Siberia: eastern Siberia

  • ... Show all ... (177)
  • Macromotettix nigrituberculus Zheng & Jiang, 2006 in Fan, Li & Mao, 2023
  • Tetrix doulunensis [sic] Zheng, 1996 (misspelling of Tetrix duolunensis Zheng, 1996)

Nomenclature references (75)

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Descendants and synonyms


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