
Tetrix bolivari Saulcy, 1901

Le Tétrix caucasien; Le Tétrix de Bolivar; Bolivars Dornschrecke

CollectionObject 1578300; 78464195-3ed0-42dc-b75a-9f381215ba21: female. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1578300; 78464195-3ed0-42dc-b75a-9f381215ba21: female. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1578300; 78464195-3ed0-42dc-b75a-9f381215ba21: female. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591500; dfb6cee5-945c-4e1b-819c-e958e75b0784: RO: Letea, female. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591500; dfb6cee5-945c-4e1b-819c-e958e75b0784: RO: Letea, female. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591500; dfb6cee5-945c-4e1b-819c-e958e75b0784: RO: Letea, female. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591500; dfb6cee5-945c-4e1b-819c-e958e75b0784: RO: Letea, male. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591549; ec85470a-ad06-471c-8b8e-0eada3b23f9e: North Macedonia: Vardar valley, Katlanovo, male. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591549; ec85470a-ad06-471c-8b8e-0eada3b23f9e: North Macedonia: Vardar valley, Katlanovo, female. (CollectionObject).

Nomenclature (61)

  • Tetrix bolivari Saulcy, 1901 in Azam, 1901: 63.

    Syntype; 15bdf707-c9fa-4636-a620-4dc4a7fbc353; deposited at: Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN); France: Lorraine: Lorrain, Dieuze

  • Acrydium bolivari (Saulcy, 1901) in Chopard, 1922: 120, 140.
  • ... Show all ... (57)
  • Tetrix bolivari Saulcy, 1901 in Willemse, Kleukers & Odé, 2018: 342.
  • Tetrix bolivari Saulcy, 1901 in Ding, Wang, Wu & Zha, 2021: 176.

Nomenclature references (51)

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Descendants and synonyms

Gender, form, and etymology


Dedicated to the Spanish orthopterist Ignacio Bolívar (1850-1944).


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