
Tetrix tenuicornis (Sahlberg, 1891)

Langfühler-Dornschrecke; Long-horned Groundhopper; Le Tétrix des sablières; Le Tétrix des carrières

Nomenclature (31)

  • Tettix tenuicornis Sahlberg, 1891: 47.

    Syntype; 9189c60c-b027-4ac0-82e6-7f5d28ee234e; Finland

  • Acrydium tenuicornis (Sahlberg, 1891) in Kirby, 1910: 42.
  • ... Show all ... (27)
  • Tetrix tenuicornis (Sahlberg, 1891) in Defaut & Morichon, 2015: 129.
  • Tetrix tenuicornis (Sahlberg, 1891) in Musiolek & Kočárek, 2016

Nomenclature references (31)

  • Bazyluk, W. (1958) Tetrigidae (Orthoptera) of Poland. Fragmenta Faunistica, 7(15), 379–409. Available at http://rcin.org.pl/dlibra/show-content/publication/edition/39611?id=39611
  • Bellmann, H. & Luquet, G.C. (1995) In Guide des sauterelles, grillons et criquets d'Europe occidentale. Delachaux et Niestle, Lausanne. 1–383 pp.
  • ... Show all ... (27)
  • Bellmann, H. (1985) In Heuschrecken: beobachten, bestimmen. Verlag J. Neumann-Neudamm, Melsungen (JNN-Naturführer). 1–210 pp.
  • Benediktov, A.A. (1998) Acoustic signalization in the genus Tetrix (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae). Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, 77(9), 1021–1025.
  • Benediktov, A.A. (2005) Vibratory signals in the family Tetrigidae (Orthoptera) [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Russian Entomological Society, 76, 131–140. Available at http://gryllus.smart21.ru/gryllus/PDF%20of%20orthopterological%20book%20in%20memory%20of%20Bey-Bienko/131-140%20Benediktov.pdf
  • Bey-Bienko, G.Y. & Mistshenko, L. (1951) Keys to the Fauna of the U.S.S.R. [1963 English translation no. 38]. In Locusts and Grasshoppers of the U.S.S.R. and Adjacent Countries. Zoological Inst. of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow/Leningrad. Vol. 1, 1–400 pp. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/224096#page/9/mode/1up
  • Chogsomzhav, L. (1973) Acridoidea and Tettigonioidea of the Mongolian People's Republic [in Russian]. Nasekomye Mongolii [Insects of Mongolia], 1, 151–198.
  • Defaut, B. & Morichon, D. (2015) Criquets de France (Orthoptera, Caelifera). In Faune de France. Fédération Française des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles, Paris. Vol. 97, Issue 1a,b, 695 pp. + XXI plates.
  • Defaut, B. (1999) Synopsis des orthoptères de France. Matériaux Orthoptériques et Entomocénotiques, 2, 87 pp. Available at http://ascete.org/ressources/le-synopsis-des-orthopteres-de-france/
  • Defaut, B. (2001) In La détermination des Orthoptères de France. Bedeilhac. 85 pp.
  • Defaut, B. (2008) Validité et champs d'application de divers vocables taxonomiques de la famille Acrididae (Orthoptera). Matériaux Orthoptériques et Entomocénotiques, 12, 5–14. [2007]
  • Detzel, P. (1998) In Die Heuschrecken Baden-Württembergs. Eugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart. 1–580 pp.
  • Devriese, H. (1996) Bijdrage tot de systematiek, morfologie en biologie van de West-Palearktische Tetrigidae. Nieuwsbrief / Lettre de contact Saltabel, 15, 2–38. Available at http://natuurtijdschriften.nl/pub/556206/SALT1996015001002.pdf
  • Fontana, P., Buzzetti, F.M., Cogo, A. & Odé, B. (2002) In Guida al riconoscimento e allo studio di cavallette, grilli, mantidi e insetti affini del Veneto: Blattaria, Mantodea, Isoptera, Orthoptera, Phasmatodea, Dermaptera, Embidiina. Museo Naturalistico Archaeologico di Vicenza, Vicenza. 1–592 pp.
  • Harz, K. (1975) Die Orthopteren Europas II. Series Entomologica, 11, 1–939.
  • International Commission On Zoological Nomenclature, I.C.Z.N. (1978) Suppression of nine specific names in the family Tetrigidae (Insecta, Orthoptera). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 34(4), 218–221. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/44476#page/268/mode/1up
  • Jiang, G. & Liang, G.-qiu (2004) Fifty-three species of Tetrigoidea (Orthoptera) from Cenwang Mountain in the western Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, China. Entomological News, 115(4), 201–206. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/20616#page/221/mode/1up
  • Jiang, G. & Zheng, Z.-M. (1998) In Grasshoppers and Locusts from Guangxi. Guangxi Normal University. 390 pp.
  • Kirby, W.F. (1910) A Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera (Orthoptera Saltatoria, Locustidae vel Acridiidae). British Museum (Natural History), London, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 674 pp. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/29660
  • Kuravová, K., Hajdukova, L. & Kočárek, P. (2014) Age-related mandible abrasion in the groundhopper Tetrix tenuicornis (Tetrigidae, Orthoptera). Arthropod Structure & Development, 43(3), 187–192. Available at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1467803914000218#
  • Lehmann, A.W. & Landeck, I. (2007) Pygmy grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) from north-eastern Turkey. Articulata, 22(2), 225–234. Available at http://dgfo-articulata.de/downloads/articulata/articulata_XXII_2007/lehmann_landeck_2007.pdf
  • Liang, G.-qiu & Zheng, Z.-M. (1998) Orthoptera Tetrigoidea. Fauna Sinica, Insecta, 12, i-x, 1–278.
  • Musiolek, D. & Kočárek, P. (2016) Weather-dependent microhabitat use by Tetrix tenuicornis (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae). The Science of Nature, 103(7-8). Available at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00114-016-1393-9
  • Nagy, A. & Nagy, B. (2000) The Orthoptera fauna of the Villány Hills (South Hungary). Dunántúli Dolgozatok Természettudományi Sorozat, 10, 147–156. Available at http://www.smmi.hu/publikaciok/termtud/dd10/nagy_147-157.pdf
  • Nagy, B. (2005) Orthoptera fauna of the Carpathian basin - recent status of knowledge and a revised checklist. Entomofauna Carpathica, 17, 14–22.
  • Sahlberg, J.R. (1891) Om de finska arterona af Orthopterslagtet Tettix Charp. Medd. Soc. Faun. Dlor. Fenn., 19, 43–48.
  • Schulte, A.M. (2003) Taxonomie, Verbreitung und Ökologie von Tetrix bipunctata (Linneus 1758) und Tetrix tenuicornis (Sahlberg 1893) (Saltatoria: Tetrigidae). Articulata Beiheft, 10, 1–226.
  • Storozhenko, S.Y., Ichikawa, A. & Uchida, M. (1994) Review of Orthoptera of the eastern Palearctica. Genus Tetrix Latreille (Tetrigidae, Tetriginae). Part 2. New Entomologist, 43(3-4), 43–54.
  • Voisin, J.-F. (2003) Atlas des Orthoptères et des Mantides de France. Patrimoines Naturels, 60, 1–104.
  • Warchalowska-Sliwa, E., Maryańska-Nadachowska, A., Michailova, P.V. & Chobanov, D.P. (2003) C-heterochromatin patterns of ten species of tetrigids (Tetrigidae, Orthoptera). Folia biologica (Krakow), 51(1-2), 47–53. Available at http://books.google.com/books?id=qQ0l8NNeukYC&pg=PA47&lpg=PA47
  • Zheng, Z.-M. (2005) In Fauna of the Tetrigoidea from Western China. Science Press, Beijing. 1–501 pp.

Descendants and synonyms


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