
Tetrix undulata (Sowerby, 1806)

Gemeine Dornschrecke; Common Groundhopper; Le Tétrix forestier

female (lateral view), syntype (scale bar 5 mm). Depicts CollectionObject 1596023; 09620445-73aa-4113-9816-9ede1fdbe31d, MZLU178061, a CollectionObject.
female (lateral view), syntype (scale bar 5 mm). Depicts CollectionObject 1596023; 09620445-73aa-4113-9816-9ede1fdbe31d, MZLU178061, a CollectionObject.
male (dorsal view), syntype (scale bar 5 mm). Depicts CollectionObject 1596023; 09620445-73aa-4113-9816-9ede1fdbe31d, MZLU178061, a CollectionObject.
female (syntype), dorsal view. Depicts CollectionObject 1531096; UZIU Thunberg Collection nr 22290, 3b538941-7dd4-445a-971f-c6e18df742db, a CollectionObject.
female (dorsal view), syntype. Depicts CollectionObject 1531096; UZIU Thunberg Collection nr 22290, 3b538941-7dd4-445a-971f-c6e18df742db, a CollectionObject.
female (syntype), lateral view. Depicts CollectionObject 1531096; UZIU Thunberg Collection nr 22290, 3b538941-7dd4-445a-971f-c6e18df742db, a CollectionObject.
female (lateral view), syntype. Depicts CollectionObject 1531096; UZIU Thunberg Collection nr 22290, 3b538941-7dd4-445a-971f-c6e18df742db, a CollectionObject.
female (labels), syntype. Depicts CollectionObject 1531096; UZIU Thunberg Collection nr 22290, 3b538941-7dd4-445a-971f-c6e18df742db, a CollectionObject.
female nymph (syntype), lateral view. Depicts CollectionObject 1597401; UZIU Thunberg Collection nr 15822, 1e91202f-44be-4ac8-a3b4-82e983d25f77, a CollectionObject.
female nymph (syntype), dorsal view. Depicts CollectionObject 1597401; UZIU Thunberg Collection nr 15822, 1e91202f-44be-4ac8-a3b4-82e983d25f77, a CollectionObject.
female nymph (syntype), labels. Depicts CollectionObject 1597401; UZIU Thunberg Collection nr 15822, 1e91202f-44be-4ac8-a3b4-82e983d25f77, a CollectionObject.
female (lateral view), syntype (scale bar 5 mm). Depicts CollectionObject 1477285; ee7bf9ad-e32f-4572-9b4e-8ad17a748630, MZLU178126, a CollectionObject.
female nymph (syntype), frontal view. Depicts CollectionObject 1597401; UZIU Thunberg Collection nr 15822, 1e91202f-44be-4ac8-a3b4-82e983d25f77, a CollectionObject.
female (dorsal view), syntype (scale bar 5 mm). Depicts CollectionObject 1477285; ee7bf9ad-e32f-4572-9b4e-8ad17a748630, MZLU178126, a CollectionObject.
female nymph (syntype), lateral view. Depicts CollectionObject 1597401; UZIU Thunberg Collection nr 15822, 1e91202f-44be-4ac8-a3b4-82e983d25f77, a CollectionObject.
male (labels), lectotype. Depicts CollectionObject 1948939; d4379d7d-8a5d-41f4-bcb4-2e53ab698cc3, a CollectionObject.
male (labels), syntype (scale bar 5 mm). Depicts CollectionObject 1596023; 09620445-73aa-4113-9816-9ede1fdbe31d, MZLU178061, a CollectionObject.
female (syntype), labels. Depicts CollectionObject 1531096; UZIU Thunberg Collection nr 22290, 3b538941-7dd4-445a-971f-c6e18df742db, a CollectionObject.
female (frontal view), syntype. Depicts CollectionObject 1531096; UZIU Thunberg Collection nr 22290, 3b538941-7dd4-445a-971f-c6e18df742db, a CollectionObject.
male (leg), syntype (scale bar 5 mm). Depicts CollectionObject 1596023; 09620445-73aa-4113-9816-9ede1fdbe31d, MZLU178061, a CollectionObject.
female (syntype), frontal view. Depicts CollectionObject 1531096; UZIU Thunberg Collection nr 22290, 3b538941-7dd4-445a-971f-c6e18df742db, a CollectionObject.
female (labels), syntype. Depicts CollectionObject 1477285; ee7bf9ad-e32f-4572-9b4e-8ad17a748630, MZLU178126, a CollectionObject.
female (syntype), lateral view. Depicts CollectionObject 1531096; UZIU Thunberg Collection nr 22290, 3b538941-7dd4-445a-971f-c6e18df742db, a CollectionObject.
male (lateral view), lectotype (scale bar 5 mm). Depicts CollectionObject 1948939; d4379d7d-8a5d-41f4-bcb4-2e53ab698cc3, a CollectionObject.
male (dorsal view), lectotype (scale bar 5 mm). Depicts CollectionObject 1948939; d4379d7d-8a5d-41f4-bcb4-2e53ab698cc3, a CollectionObject.
female (lateral view), syntype. Depicts CollectionObject 1531096; UZIU Thunberg Collection nr 22290, 3b538941-7dd4-445a-971f-c6e18df742db, a CollectionObject.

Nomenclature (64)

  • Acrydium nigricans Sowerby, 1806: 28, Pl. LXXIV Fig. 3.
  • Acrydium undulatum Sowerby, 1806: 28, Pl. LXXIV Fig. 2.
  • ... Show all ... (60)
  • Tetrix undulata undulata (Sowerby, 1806) in Skejo, Rebrina, Buzzetti, Ivković, Rašić & Tvrtković, 2014: 423.
  • Tetrix undulata (Sowerby, 1806) in Defaut & Morichon, 2015: 143, pl. IVa.

Nomenclature references (38)

  • Ander, K. (1931) Orthopterologische Beiträge. 1-2. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 52, 245–257.
  • Ander, K. (1931) Ueber die Orthopteren-Fauna Schwedens. Konowia, Zeitschrift für Systematische Insektenkunde, 10, 40–46. Available at http://www.zobodat.at/pdf/KON_10_0040-0046.pdf
  • ... Show all ... (34)
  • Ander, K. (1943) Revision der Orthopterensammlungen Zetterstedts. Acta Univ. Lund. (N. F.), 38(7), 23 pp. [1942]
  • Ander, K. (1975) Comment on Acrydium undulatum Sowerby, 1806: proposed addition to the Official List. Z. N. (S) 1472. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 32(2), 73–76. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/44474#page/99/mode/1up
  • Azam, J. (1901) Catalogue synonymique et systématique des orthoptères de France. Miscellanea Entomologica. Revue Entomologique Internationale, 9, 33–48, 97–112, 145–160. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/49381#page/615/mode/1up
  • Bellmann, H. & Luquet, G.C. (1995) In Guide des sauterelles, grillons et criquets d'Europe occidentale. Delachaux et Niestle, Lausanne. 1–383 pp.
  • Bellmann, H. (1985) In Heuschrecken: beobachten, bestimmen. Verlag J. Neumann-Neudamm, Melsungen (JNN-Naturführer). 1–210 pp.
  • Bey-Bienko, G.Y. & Mistshenko, L. (1951) Keys to the Fauna of the U.S.S.R. [1964 English translation no. 40]. In Locusts and Grasshoppers of the U.S.S.R. and Adjacent Countries. Zoological Inst. of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow/Leningrad. Vol. 2, 385–667 [1–291]. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/224097#page/7/mode/1up
  • Chopard, L. (1922) Orthoptères et dermaptères. In Faune de France. Fédération Française des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles, Paris. Vol. 3, 212 pp. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1093568
  • De Geer, C. (1773) In Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire des insectes. Pierre Hesselberg, Stockholm. Vol. 3, 696 pp., 44 pls. Available at http://books.google.com/books?id=emJNAAAAYAAJ
  • Defaut, B. & Morichon, D. (2015) Criquets de France (Orthoptera, Caelifera). In Faune de France. Fédération Française des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles, Paris. Vol. 97, Issue 1a,b, 695 pp. + XXI plates.
  • Defaut, B. (1999) Synopsis des orthoptères de France. Matériaux Orthoptériques et Entomocénotiques, 2, 87 pp. Available at http://ascete.org/ressources/le-synopsis-des-orthopteres-de-france/
  • Defaut, B. (2001) In La détermination des Orthoptères de France. Bedeilhac. 85 pp.
  • Defaut, B. (2012) Biométrie des types des caelifères de France (Orthoptera). 1. Définition des paramètres mesurés. 2. Mensurations chez les Tridactylidae, Tetrigidae, Pyrgomorphidae, Pamphagidae et Acrididae Calliptaminae. Matériaux Orthoptériques et Entomocénotiques, 17, 21–56.
  • Detzel, P. (1998) In Die Heuschrecken Baden-Württembergs. Eugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart. 1–580 pp.
  • Devriese, H. (1996) Bijdrage tot de systematiek, morfologie en biologie van de West-Palearktische Tetrigidae. Nieuwsbrief / Lettre de contact Saltabel, 15, 2–38. Available at http://natuurtijdschriften.nl/pub/556206/SALT1996015001002.pdf
  • Ebner, R. (1925) Noch einige neue Orthopteren aus Niederland. Natuurhistorisch Maandblad, 14(4), 49–52. Available at http://natuurtijdschriften.nl/pub/1009834
  • Farrow, R.A. (1965) The postembryonic development of the external genitalia of Tetrix Latrelle (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae). Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 7, 301–313. [1964]
  • Fischer von Waldheim, G. (1833) Conspectus Orthopterorum Rossicorum. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 6, 341–390. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/173062#page/751/mode/1up
  • Gardiner, T. (2012) Melanism in the Common Groundhopper Tetrix undulata Sowerby, 1806 (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) in relation to substrate colour. Entomologist's Gazette, 63(3), 157–160.
  • Harz, K. (1975) Die Orthopteren Europas II. Series Entomologica, 11, 1–939.
  • Herrera, L. (1982) Catalogue of the Orthoptera of Spain. Series Entomologica, 22, 1–162.
  • Hochkirch, A., Deppermann, J. & Gröning, J. (2006) Visual communication behaviour as a mechanism behind reproductive interference in three pygmy grasshoppers (genus Tetrix, Tetrigidae, Orthoptera). Journal of Insect Behavior, 19(5), 559–571. Available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/nk1m273356jkk477/
  • Kevan, D.K.M.E. (1953) The status of Tetrix bipunctata (Linn.) (Orthopttera: Tetrigidae) in Britain. Entomologist's Gazette, 4, 204–224, 5 figs.
  • Kevan, D.K.M.E. (1961) Acrydium undulatum Sowerby, 1806 (Insecta, Orthoptera); proposed addition to the Official List. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 18(6), 380–382. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/44460#page/430/mode/1up
  • Kevan, D.K.M.E. (1975) Reply to K. Ander. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 32(2), 76–78. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/44474#page/102/mode/1up
  • Nadig, A. (1981) Über einige für die Schweiz und angrenzende Gebiete neue oder wenig bekannte Saltatoria (Orthoptera). Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 54, 325–332. Available at http://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/view?pid=seg-001%3A1981%3A54%3A%3A182#336
  • Nagy, B. & Szövényi, G. (1997) Orthopteroid insects of Orség landscape conservation area (Western Hungary). Savaria: A Vas Megyei Múzeumok Értesítoje (Pars historico-naturalis), 24(2), 7–23.
  • Nagy, B. (2005) Orthoptera fauna of the Carpathian basin - recent status of knowledge and a revised checklist. Entomofauna Carpathica, 17, 14–22.
  • Sardet, E. (2011) Étude sur la variabilité morphologique de Tetrix undulata (Sowerby, 1806) et réhabilitation de la sous-espèce gavoyi Saulcy, in Azam, 1893 (Orthoptera, Caelifera, Tetrigoidea, Tetrigidae). Matériaux Orthoptériques et Entomocénotiques, 16, 55–64.
  • Saulcy, F.H.C.de (1888) Notice sur le genre Tetrix, Latr. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 6(8), 135–136.
  • Skejo, J., Rebrina, F., Buzzetti, F.M., Ivković, S., Rašić, A. & Tvrtković, N. (2014) First records of Croatian and Serbian Tetrigidae (Orthoptera: Caelifera) with description of a new subspecies of Tetrix transsylvanica (Bazyluk & Kis, 1960). Zootaxa, 3856(3), 419–432.
  • Sowerby, J. (1806) The British miscellany or coloured figures of new, or little known animal subjects. London, 11-12, Plates 64–65, 73–74. [1804] Available at http://www.archive.org/details/britishmiscellan121806sowe
  • Szövényi, G. & Nagy, B. (1999) A Koszegi-Hegység Orthoptera-Faunájának Kritikai Áttekintése. Savaria: A Vas Megyei Múzeumok Értesítoje (Pars historico-naturalis), 25(2), 99–126.
  • Thunberg, C.P. (1815) Acrydii descriptio. Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis, 7, 157–162. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/86067#page/179/mode/1up
  • Vanschuytbroeck, P. (1980) Catalogue et liste du matériel typique des Tetrigidae conservés dans les collections entomologiques de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, 52(22), 1–25. Available at http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/rbins-publications/bulletins-de-linstitut-royal-des-sciences-naturelles-de-belgique-entomologie/52-1980/entomo52-art22.pdf
  • Warchalowska-Sliwa, E., Maryańska-Nadachowska, A., Michailova, P.V. & Chobanov, D.P. (2003) C-heterochromatin patterns of ten species of tetrigids (Tetrigidae, Orthoptera). Folia biologica (Krakow), 51(1-2), 47–53. Available at http://books.google.com/books?id=qQ0l8NNeukYC&pg=PA47&lpg=PA47
  • Zetterstedt, J.W. (1821) In Orthoptera Sueciae. Lundae. Available at http://books.google.com/books?id=kwYPAQAAIAAJ

Descendants and synonyms


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