Fig. 28E. pronotum, dorsal view. Depicts Shotwellia isleta Gurney, 1940, an Otu.
Fig. 28E. pronotum, dorsal view. Depicts Shotwellia isleta Gurney, 1940, an Otu.
Fig. 28K. hind femur. Depicts Shotwellia isleta Gurney, 1940, an Otu.
Fig. 27I. fastigium, dorsal view. Depicts Shotwellia isleta Gurney, 1940, an Otu.
habitus and wings. Depicts Shotwellia isleta Gurney, 1940, an Otu.

Nomenclature (4)

  • Shotwellia isleta Gurney, 1940: 5.

    Holotype; male; bc9e02f4-0007-4529-b1fc-d48197ec8a3f; deposited at: National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution (USNM); United States

  • Shotwellia isleta Gurney, 1940 in Otte, 1984: 91, 326.
  • Shotwellia isleta Gurney, 1940 in Richman, Lightfoot, Sutherland & Ferguson, 1993: 92.
  • Shotwellia isleta Gurney, 1940 in Edelman, Lightfoot & Miller, 2010

Nomenclature references (4)

  • Edelman, W.C., Lightfoot, D.C. & Miller, K.B. (2010) The phylogenetic placement of the rare North American band-winged grasshopper Shotwellia isleta Gurney, 1940 (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Oedipodinae). Insect Systematics and Evolution, 41(4), 303–316.
  • Gurney, A.B. (1940) Notes on certain genera of North American grasshoppers of the subfamily Oedipodinae, with the description of a new genus and species (Orthotpera: Acrididae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 42, 1–15. Available at
  • Otte, D. (1984) Acrididae: Oedipodinae. In North American Grasshoppers. Harvard University Press, Cambridge. Vol. 2, 366 pp.
  • Richman, D.B., Lightfoot, D.C., Sutherland, C.A. & Ferguson, J.W.H. (1993) A manual of the grasshoppers of New Mexico, Orthoptera: Acrididae and Romaleidae. New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service Handbook, 7, 1–112. Available at

Descendants and synonyms


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