
Trimerotropis infantilis Rentz & Weissman, 1984

Zayante Band-winged Grasshopper; Zyantc Band-winged Grasshopper

CollectionObject 1527207; b9b6ad0f-4d96-4ebc-acd2-9215844451b9: male, lateral view (holotype). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1527207; b9b6ad0f-4d96-4ebc-acd2-9215844451b9: male, lateral view (holotype). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1527207; b9b6ad0f-4d96-4ebc-acd2-9215844451b9: male, dorsal view (holotype). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1527207; b9b6ad0f-4d96-4ebc-acd2-9215844451b9: male, labels (holotype). (CollectionObject).

Nomenclature (3)

  • Trimerotropis infantilis Rentz & Weissman, 1984

    Holotype; male; b9b6ad0f-4d96-4ebc-acd2-9215844451b9; deposited at: California Academy of Sciences (CASC); United States: California: Santa Cruz: Felton

  • Trimerotropis infantilis Rentz & Weissman, 1984 in Otte, 1984: 205, 333.
  • Trimerotropis infantilis Rentz & Weissman, 1984 in Hoekstra, 1998

Nomenclature references (3)

  • Hoekstra, J.M. (1998) Conserving Orthoptera in the wild: lessons from Trimerotropis infantilis (Oedipodinae). Journal of Insect Conservation, 2(3-4), 179–185.
  • Otte, D. (1984) Acrididae: Oedipodinae. In North American Grasshoppers. Harvard University Press, Cambridge. Vol. 2, 366 pp.
  • Rentz, D.C.F. & Weissman, D.B. (1984) Five new species of the band winged grasshopper genus Trimerotropis Stal (Orthoptera: Oedipodinae). The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 60(3), 227–237. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/255100#page/237/mode/1up
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