
Gomphocerippus rufus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Rote Keulenschrecke; Rufous Grasshopper; Le Gomphocère roux

Gomphocerippus rufus (Linnaeus, 1758): male (Switzerland, St. Gallen, Toggenburg, 2005). (Otu).
Gomphocerippus rufus (Linnaeus, 1758): male (Switzerland, St. Gallen, Toggenburg, 2005). (Otu).
Gomphocerippus rufus (Linnaeus, 1758): male (Germany, Middle Franconia, Dolomitkuppenalb). (Otu).
Gomphocerippus rufus (Linnaeus, 1758): male (Germany, Middle Franconia, Dolomitkuppenalb). (Otu).
Gomphocerippus rufus (Linnaeus, 1758): female (Germany, Middle Franconia, Dolomitkuppenalb). (Otu).
Gomphocerippus rufus (Linnaeus, 1758): male (Germany, Middle Franconia, Wied). (Otu).
CollectionObject 1578872; 52c33191-8580-499b-a901-4f27a2c6c1b3: male (RO: Horia). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1582305; 569da6fe-6fa5-4cd3-8385-4d02154e1215: male. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1582307; 599f7871-4f1f-4ac1-bcde-487e5dc9a3ba: female. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1584984; 299bf7bf-2465-47f1-86a5-54a632f9351a: male. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1587080; 04d72f31-639c-455b-87f3-9905a73ecb49: male. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591522; 3ea1e578-d800-48cc-b6d4-6f90f5728c94: female. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591523; 83885278-a1f9-432a-b857-36ab62e5f3e5: female. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1593826; 0f42da4e-d09d-49ed-8f19-7e5c91e8012a: male (SRB, Futog, 06.09.2021). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1593826; 0f42da4e-d09d-49ed-8f19-7e5c91e8012a: female (SRB, Futog, 06.09.2021). (CollectionObject).

Type specimen

Syntype; 01d077af-bb35-4342-b9cc-492f5dd5aa82; deposited at: Linnean Society of London (LINN); Europe

Nomenclature (51)

  • Gryllus (Locusta) rufus Linnaeus, 1758: 433.

    Syntype; 01d077af-bb35-4342-b9cc-492f5dd5aa82; deposited at: Linnean Society of London (LINN); Europe

  • Gryllus rufus Linnaeus, 1758 in Linnaeus, 1761: 239.
  • ... Show all ... (47)
  • Gomphocerippus rufus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Willemse, Kleukers & Odé, 2018: 286.
  • Gomphocerippus rufus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Hawlitschek, Ortiz, Noori, Webster, Husemann & Pereira, 2022: 2.

Nomenclature references (47)

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