Gomphocerippus rufus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Rote Keulenschrecke; Rufous Grasshopper; Le Gomphocère roux
Type specimen
Syntype; 01d077af-bb35-4342-b9cc-492f5dd5aa82; deposited at: Linnean Society of London (LINN); Europe
Nomenclature (51)
- Gryllus (Locusta) rufus Linnaeus, 1758: 433.
Syntype; 01d077af-bb35-4342-b9cc-492f5dd5aa82; deposited at: Linnean Society of London (LINN); Europe
- Gryllus rufus Linnaeus, 1758 in Linnaeus, 1761: 239.
- ... Show all ... (47)
- Gomphocerippus rufus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Willemse, Kleukers & Odé, 2018: 286.
- Gomphocerippus rufus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Hawlitschek, Ortiz, Noori, Webster, Husemann & Pereira, 2022: 2.
Nomenclature references (47)
- Bellmann, H. & Luquet, G.C. (1995) In Guide des sauterelles, grillons et criquets d'Europe occidentale. Delachaux et Niestle, Lausanne. 1–383 pp.
- Bellmann, H. (1985) In Heuschrecken: beobachten, bestimmen. Verlag J. Neumann-Neudamm, Melsungen (JNN-Naturführer). 1–210 pp.
- ... Show all ... (43)
- Zubovski, N. (1898) Zur Acridiodea-Fauna des asiatischen Russlands. Annuaire du Musée Zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg, 3, 68–110. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/35243#page/174/mode/1up
- de Tigny, F.M.G.T. (1802) Orthoptères. In Histoire naturelle des insectes, composée d'après Réamur, Geoffroy, Degeer, Roesel, Linnée, Fabricus, et les meilleurs ouvrages qui ont paru sur cette partie; rédigée suivant la méthode d'Olivier; avec des notes, plusieurs observations nouvelles, et des figures dessinées d'après nature. Crapelet, Paris. Vol. 5, 1–336 pp. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/81962#page/5/mode/1up
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Descendants and synonyms
- Gomphocerippus rufus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- =Acrydium clavicorne De Geer, 1773
Life zone and ecology data
Sound links
- Montenegro, Durmitor, Lever Tara, lab recording, 18/8/1990, 25°C, 60 W bulb for heat (Kenwood KX880HX with AKG D202, tape: S-MES90; tape no. KW32:37.00-41.10, 10-band equalizer, 5-10k +3dB, others -12dB)
- Montenegro, Durmitor, Lever Tara, lab recording, 21/8/1990, 26°C, 60 W bulb for heat (Kenwood KX880HX with AKG D202, tape: S-MES90; tape no: KW33:28.00-36.00, 10-band equalizer, 5-10k +3dB, others -12dB)
- Montenegro, Durmitor, Lever Tara, lab recording, 18/8/1990, 24.5°C, 60 W bulb for heat (Kenwood KX880HX with AKG D202, tape: S-MES90, tape no. KW32:36.30-36.45, 10-nand equalizer, 5-10k +3dB, others -12dB; very quiet; amplified 300x)
- Germany, Bavaria, Sperbersee in Steigerwald, SE Hellmitzheim, lab recording, 1972, 35°C (Uher 4000 L Report with Uher M537, tape no. CS_U03r, two-legged)
- Germany, Bavaria, Sperbersee in Steigerwald, SE Hellmitzheim, lab recording, 1972, 35°C (Uher 4000 L Report with Uher M537, tape no. CS_U03r, two-legged)
- lab recording, 28.7.2019, 27 °C (Roland R 05, sample rate 96 kHz)
External links to websites
- Xeno-canto [general information]
- Species information and distribution in Germany (DGfO) [general information]
- The Linnean Collections (The Linnean Society of London) [specimen level information]
Names | |||
Rank | Total | Valid | Invalid |
species | 8 | 1 | 7 |