Image, Carbonell, C.S female, dorsal view (allotype of Paulinia muscosa). Depicts CollectionObject 1541616; 5c8437aa-7460-45a5-9f4c-6c29fa3c4f05, a CollectionObject.
Image, Carbonell, C.S female, dorsal view (allotype of Paulinia muscosa). Depicts CollectionObject 1541616; 5c8437aa-7460-45a5-9f4c-6c29fa3c4f05, a CollectionObject.
Image, Carbonell, C.S female, lateral view (allotype of Paulinia muscosa). Depicts CollectionObject 1541616; 5c8437aa-7460-45a5-9f4c-6c29fa3c4f05, a CollectionObject.
Image, Carbonell, C.S male, lateral view (lectotype of Paulinia muscosa). Depicts CollectionObject 1540801; 2a3f0fb8-6afd-4057-aad0-d13163e06beb, a CollectionObject.
Image, Carbonell, C.S male, dorsal view (lectotype of Paulinia muscosa). Depicts CollectionObject 1540801; 2a3f0fb8-6afd-4057-aad0-d13163e06beb, a CollectionObject.
Image Carbonell, C.S female, lateral view (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1530115; a6583e97-b0a2-41e8-a55d-fb089a42b823, a CollectionObject.
Image Carbonell, C.S female, dorsal view (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1530115; a6583e97-b0a2-41e8-a55d-fb089a42b823, a CollectionObject.
(Argentina, Chaco, December 2019). Depicts CollectionObject 1594741; 1b587a3f-0299-44e2-942f-2f06fbf5da2d, a CollectionObject.
male, lateral view. Depicts Paulinia acuminata (De Geer, 1773), an Otu.

Nomenclature (106)

  • Acrydium acuminatum De Geer, 1773: 501.

    Holotype; female; a6583e97-b0a2-41e8-a55d-fb089a42b823; deposited at: Swedish Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collections (NHRS);

  • Acrydium acuminatum De Geer, 1773 in Olivier, 1791: 231.
  • ... Show all ... (102)
  • Paulinia acuminata (De Geer, 1773) in Cardona, 2015: 164.
  • Paulinia acuminata (De Geer, 1773) in Matiotti da Costa, Martins, Zefa, Redü, Morselli & de Mello, 2015

Nomenclature references (88)

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Descendants and synonyms


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