
Libellula americanus Drury, 1773 type species by subsequent designation of Schistocerca Stål, 1873

Nomenclature (46)

  • Acridium (Schistocerca) Stål, 1873: 64.

    type species by subsequent designation Libellula americanus Drury, 1773 in Rehn, 1904

  • Acridium (Schistocerca) Stål, 1873 in Stål, 1876: 40.
  • ... Show all ... (42)
  • Schistocerca Stål, 1873 in Hemp & Rowell, 2020: 86.
  • Schistocerca Stål, 1873 in Foquet, Castellanos & Song, 2021

Nomenclature references (46)

  • Bey-Bienko, G.Y. & Mistshenko, L. (1951) Keys to the Fauna of the U.S.S.R. [1963 English translation no. 38]. In Locusts and Grasshoppers of the U.S.S.R. and Adjacent Countries. Zoological Inst. of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow/Leningrad. Vol. 1, 1–400 pp. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/224096#page/9/mode/1up
  • Bruner, L. (1906) Synoptic list of Paraguayan Acrididae, or locusts, with descriptions of new forms. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 30(1461), 613–694. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/53722#page/711/mode/1up
  • ... Show all ... (42)
  • Cadena-Castañeda, O.J. & Cardona, J.M. (2015) Introducción a los Saltamontes de Colombia (Orthoptera: Caelifera: Acrididea: Acridomorpha, Tetrigoidea & Tridactyloidea). 1–534 pp.
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  • Dirsh, V.M. (1965) Preliminary note for the revision of the genus Schistocerca Stål, 1873 (Orth. Acridoidea). Eos, Revista española de Entomología, 41, 31–43. Available at http://hdl.handle.net/10261/161109
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  • Foquet, B., Castellanos, A.A. & Song, H. (2021) Comparative analysis of phenotypic plasticity sheds light on the evolution and molecular underpinnings of locust phase polyphenism. Scientific Reports, 11(11925). Available at http://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-91317-w
  • Harvey, A.W. (1981) A reclassification of the Schistocerca americana complex (Orthopera: Acrididae). Acrida, 10(2), 61–77.
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  • Hemp, C. & Rowell, C.H.F. (2020) In Jago's Grasshoppers of East and North East Africa. Volume 4. Acrididae: Euryphyminae, Cyrtacanthacridinae, Oedipodinae. 232 pp.
  • Innes Bey, W. (1929) Révision des Orthoptères de l'Egypte. Deuxième partie. Acridiens. Mem. Soc. R. Ent. Egypte, Cairo, 3(2), 176 pp., 7 pls.
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  • Kirby, W.F. (1914) In Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Orthoptera (Acrididae). London. 276 pp. Available at http://www.archive.org/details/orthopteraacridi00kirbiala
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  • Liebermann, J. (1945) Los Acridoideos de Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 48, 161–316. [1944] Available at http://rchn.biologiachile.cl/pdfs/1944/1/Liebermann_1944.pdf
  • Mistshenko, L. (1952) Locusts and grasshoppers, Catantopinae. The Fauna of Russia (= The USSR Fauna). New Series., 4(2), 610 pp.
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  • Rehn, J.A.G. (1904) Notes on Orthoptera from northern and central Mexico. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 56, 513–549. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/30096#page/563/mode/1up
  • Rowell, C.H.F. (2013) In The Grasshoppers (Caelifera) of Costa Rica and Panama. The Orthopterists' Society. 611 pp.
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  • Shumakov, E.M. (1963) Les acridiens et les autres orthoptères de l'Afghanistan et de l'Iran. Trudy Vsesoyeiznogo Entomologicheskojo Obshchestva, Moskva [= Horae Societatis Entomologicae Unionis Soveticae], 49, 3–248. [in Russian]
  • Sjöstedt, Y. (1921) Acridiodea Australica. Monographie der bisher von Australien bekannten Heuschrecken mit kurzen Fühlern. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 62(3), 1–318. Available at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/60366953#page/1/mode/1up
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Descendants and synonyms

Gender, form, and etymology


From Greek σχιστός, divided, alluding to the truncted or slighly bilobed tip of the male cerci.


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