Brachyphymus basuto Dirsh, 1956: female, lateral view. (Otu).
Brachyphymus basuto Dirsh, 1956: female, lateral view. (Otu).

Nomenclature (3)

  • Brachyphymus basuto Dirsh, 1956: 121-272.

    Holotype; male; 55911b31-8e1c-496a-8f96-37c032b797bf; deposited at: Lund University (MZLU); Lesotho: Basutoland, Teyateyaneng

  • Brachyphymus basuto Dirsh, 1956 in Dirsh, 1965: 266.
  • Brachyphymus basuto Dirsh, 1956 in Johnston, 1968: 198.

Nomenclature references (3)

  • Dirsh, V.M. (1956) Orthoptera Acridoidea. In South African Animal Life: Results of the Lund University Expedition in 1950-1951. Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm. Vol. 3, pp. 121–272.
  • Dirsh, V.M. (1965) In The African Genera of Acridoidea. Cambridge University Press, Antilocust Centre, London. 579 pp.
  • Johnston, H.B. (1968) Annotated catalogue of African grasshoppers: Vol. Suppl. The Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 445 pp.

Descendants and synonyms

Gender, form, and etymology


Named after the type locality Basutoland.


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