
Acridium herbaceum Serville, 1838 type species by subsequent designation of Heteracris Walker, 1870

Nomenclature (116)

  • Heteracris Walker, 1870: 655.

    type species by subsequent designation Acridium herbaceum Serville, 1838 in Kirby, 1910

  • Paraeuprepocnemis Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893: 151.

    type species by subsequent designation Pezotettix syriaca Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1861 in Kirby, 1914: 266

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  • Thisoecetrinus [sic] Uvarov, 1921
  • Thisoecetrinus [sic] Uvarov, 1921 (misspelling of Thisoicetrinus Uvarov, 1921)

Nomenclature references (44)

  • Bey-Bienko, G.Y. & Mistshenko, L. (1951) Keys to the Fauna of the U.S.S.R. [1963 English translation no. 38]. In Locusts and Grasshoppers of the U.S.S.R. and Adjacent Countries. Zoological Inst. of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow/Leningrad. Vol. 1, 1–400 pp. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/224096#page/9/mode/1up
  • Bey-Bienko, G.Y. & Mistshenko, L. (1951) Keys to the Fauna of the U.S.S.R. [1964 English translation no. 40]. In Locusts and Grasshoppers of the U.S.S.R. and Adjacent Countries. Zoological Inst. of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow/Leningrad. Vol. 2, 385–667 [1–291]. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/224097#page/7/mode/1up
  • ... Show all ... (40)
  • Bolívar, I. (1898) Catálogo sinóptico de los Ortópteros de la Fauna Ibérica. Annaes de Sciencias Naturaes, 5, 1–48, 121–152. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/31167#page/13/mode/1up
  • Bolívar, I. (1914) Estudios entomológicos. Segunda parte. I. El Grupo de los Euprepocnemes. II. Los Truxalinos del antiguo Mundo. Trabajos del Museo de Ciencias Naturales (Serie Zoológica), 20, 1–110. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/48655
  • Brunner von Wattenwyl, C. (1893) Révision du système des Orthoptères et déscription des espèces rapportées par M. Leonardo Fea de Birmanie. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, 13(33), 1–230. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/25035
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  • Defaut, B. (1986) Heteracris lieutaghii, espèce nouvelle du Maroc (Caelifera, Catantopidae). Bulletin de la Société d'histoire naturelle de Toulouse, 122, 19–21.
  • Dirsh, V.M. & Descamps, M. (1968) Insectes. Orthoptères, Acridoidea. Pyrgomorphidae et Acrididae. Faune de Madagascar, 26, 1–312.
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  • Fishelson, L. (1985) Fauna Palaestina. Insecta. Orthoptera: Acridoidea, 3, 1–240.
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  • Innes Bey, W. (1929) Révision des Orthoptères de l'Egypte. Deuxième partie. Acridiens. Mem. Soc. R. Ent. Egypte, Cairo, 3(2), 176 pp., 7 pls.
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  • Johnsen, P. (1982) In Acridoidea of Zambia. Aarhus University, Aarhus. Vol. 3, 163–241 [continuation].
  • Johnston, H.B. (1956) In Annotated catalogue of African grasshoppers. The Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 833 pp.
  • Johnston, H.B. (1968) In Annotated catalogue of African grasshoppers: Vol. Suppl. The Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 445 pp.
  • Kirby, W.F. (1910) A Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera (Orthoptera Saltatoria, Locustidae vel Acridiidae). British Museum (Natural History), London, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 674 pp. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/29660
  • Kirby, W.F. (1914) In Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Orthoptera (Acrididae). London. 276 pp. Available at http://www.archive.org/details/orthopteraacridi00kirbiala
  • Li, H. & Xia, K.-L. (2006) Orthoptera, Acridoidea, Catantopidae. Fauna Sinica, Insecta, 43.
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  • Mistshenko, L. (1952) Locusts and grasshoppers, Catantopinae. The Fauna of Russia (= The USSR Fauna). New Series., 4(2), 610 pp.
  • Otte, D. (1995) Orthoptera Species File 4. Grasshoppers [Acridomorpha] C. The Orthopterists' Society and The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 518 pp.
  • Picker, M., Griffiths, C. & Weaving, A. (2005) In Field Guide to Insects of Southern Africa. Struik Publishers, South Africa. 444 pp.
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  • Popov, G.B. (1981) Orthoptera: Superfamily Acridoidea. A revision of the Cyclopternacris-Paraeuprepocnemis-Asmara group of genera allied to Hetaracris Walker, 1870, and a description of the new genus Clomacris. In Fauna of Saudi Arabia. Ciba-Geigy Ltd., Basel. Vol. 3, pp. 149–200.
  • Ramme, W. (1928) Orthoptera palaearctica critica. V. Ein neues Genus der Euprepocnemini (Acrid.). Eos, Revista española de Entomología, 4, 113–116. Available at http://hdl.handle.net/10261/140721
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  • Sjöstedt, Y. (1910) 17. Orthoptera. 7. Acridiodea. In Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der schwedischen zoologischen Expedition nach dem Kilimandjaro, dem Meru und den umgebenden Massaisteppen Deutsch-Ostafrikas, 1905-1906 unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Yngve Sjöstedt. P. Palmquists, Stockholm. Vol. 3, pp. 149–199. [1909] Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/16983#page/265/mode/1up
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  • Uvarov, B.P. (1921) A contribution to our knowledge of the Orthoptera Acridiodea of Mesopotamia and N.W. Persia. The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 27(4), 803–812. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/95740#page/901/mode/1up
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  • Uvarov, B.P. (1927) Acrididae of Central Asia [in Russian]. Expt. Plant Protect. Sta. Uzbekistan, 1927, 214 pp.
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Descendants and synonyms


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