Dericorys albidula Serville, 1838: nymph. (Otu).
Dericorys albidula Serville, 1838: nymph. (Otu).
Dericorys albidula Serville, 1838: Pl. 10. habitus (Derocorystes curvipes). (Otu).
Dericorys albidula Serville, 1838: Fig. 46, 1. female habitus. (Otu).
Dericorys albidula Serville, 1838: Fig. 46, 2. phallic complex, dorsal view, membrane and epiphallus removed. (Otu).
Dericorys albidula Serville, 1838: Fig. 46, 3. phallic complex, lateral view. (Otu).
Dericorys albidula Serville, 1838: Fig. 46, 4. endophallus, lateral view. (Otu).
Dericorys albidula Serville, 1838: Fig. 46, 5. epiphallus. (Otu).
CollectionObject 1586169; 208dc381-1bb6-451f-951e-1cbe41502d65: Anabasis articulata plant was occupied by Dericorys albidula. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1586172; 575acbb1-7b24-4c2f-8804-3d9dfcaa0f4b: female, dorsal view, labels. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1586172; 575acbb1-7b24-4c2f-8804-3d9dfcaa0f4b: female, lateral view. (CollectionObject).

Nomenclature (55)

  • Dericorys albidula Serville, 1838: 639.
  • Cyphophorus tibialis Fieber, 1853: 121. (homonym)

    Syntype; d7b52507-a28d-4ae2-af39-6e822bf21945; Turkey: Asia minor

  • ... Show all ... (51)
  • Dericorys albidula Serville, 1838 in Tlili, Abdellaoui, Ben Chouikha, Mhafdhi, Jemmazi, Ammar & Desutter-Grandcolas, 2019: 387.
  • Dericorys albidula Serville, 1838 in Tlili, Abdellaoui, Chintauan-Marquier, Ben Chouikha, Moussi, Ammar & Desutter-Grandcolas, 2020: 705.

Nomenclature references (40)

  • Bey-Bienko, G.Y. & Mistshenko, L. (1951) Keys to the Fauna of the U.S.S.R. [1963 English translation no. 38]. In Locusts and Grasshoppers of the U.S.S.R. and Adjacent Countries. Zoological Inst. of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow/Leningrad. Vol. 1, 1–400 pp. Available at
  • Bolívar, I. (1913) Ernst Hartert’s expedition to the Central Western Sahara. XVII. Orthoptères. Novitates Zoologicae: A Journal of Zoology in Connection with the Tring Museum, 20, 603–615. Available at
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  • Buzzetti, F.M., Fontana, P. & Massa, B. (2014) Order Orthoptera. Additions to the Orthoptera fauna of the UAE. Arthropod Fauna of the United Arab Emirates, 5, 22–27.
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Descendants and synonyms


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