
Gryllus posticus Walker, 1869 type species by original designation of Teleogryllus Chopard, 1961

Nomenclature (6)

  • Teleogryllus Chopard, 1961: 277.

    type species by original designation Gryllus posticus Walker, 1869

  • Teleogryllus Chopard, 1961 in Storozhenko, Kim & Jeon, 2015: 107.
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  • Teleogryllus Chopard, 1961 in Lu, Wang, Wang, Li & He, 2018: 668.
  • Teleogryllus Chopard, 1961 in Jaiswara, Desutter-Grandcolas & Jain, 2021: 84, 100, 101.

Nomenclature references (6)

  • Chopard, L. (1961) Les divisions du genre Gryllus basées sur l'étude de l'appareil copulateur (Orth. Gryllidae). Eos, Revista española de Entomología, 37(3), 267–287. [1960] Available at http://hdl.handle.net/10261/157258
  • Jaiswara, R., Desutter-Grandcolas, L. & Jain, M. (2021) Taxonomic revision of Teleogryllus mitratus (Burmeister, 1838) and T. occipitalis (Serville, 1838) in India, with the description of Teleogryllus rohinae Jaiswara & Jain sp. nov. and a key for Teleogryllus species from India (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Zootaxa, 5016(1), 81–106.
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  • Liu, Y.-F., Shen, C.-Z., Xu, Y., Chen, G.-Y. & He, Z. (2018) A new species of Teleogryllus (Teleogryllus) Chopard, 1961 from Yunnan, China (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Gryllinae). Zootaxa, 4531(1), 117–122.
  • Lu, H., Wang, X., Wang, H., Li, K. & He, Z. (2018) A taxonomic study of genus Teleogryllus from East Asia (Insecta: Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 21, 667–675.
  • Ma, L. (2015) Taxonomy of Chinese black field crickets Teleogryllus Chopard (Grylloidae, Gryllinae) with new distribution record of the exotic species Teleogryllus commodus (Walker). Journal of Shaanxi Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 43(3), 57–63.
  • Storozhenko, S.Y., Kim, T.-W. & Jeon, M.-J. (2015) In Monograph of Korean Orthoptera. National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon. 377 pp.

Descendants and synonyms


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