Hygronemobius alleni (Morse, 1905)
Allen's Ground Cricket; black-faced scaly cricket; mangrove ground cricket
Type specimen
Syntype; fa2a1e09-e406-4d2a-a1de-303a3f611a2c; deposited at: Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (ANSP); Bahamas: Moraine Cay
Nomenclature (12)
- Nemobius alleni Morse, 1905: 21.
Syntype; fa2a1e09-e406-4d2a-a1de-303a3f611a2c; deposited at: Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (ANSP); Bahamas: Moraine Cay
- Nemobius alleni Morse, 1905 in Rehn, 1906: 116.
- ... Show all ... (8)
- Hygronemobius alleni (Morse, 1905) in Otte & Perez-Gelabert, 2009: 106.
- Hygronemobius alleni (Morse, 1905) in Pereira, Miyoshi, Martins, Fernandes, Sperber & Mesa, 2013
Nomenclature references (12)
- Blatchley, W.S. (1920) In Orthoptera of northeastern America with special reference to the faunas of Indiana and Florida. Nature Publishing Co., Indianapolis. 781 pp. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/16768
- Chopard, L. (1967) Gryllides. Fam. Gryllidae; Subfam. Gryllinae (Trib. Grymnogryllini, Gryllini, Gryllomorphini, Nemobiini). In Orthopterorum Catalogus. Vol. 10, pp. 213 pp.
- ... Show all ... (8)
- Rehn, J.A.G. (1906) The Orthoptera of the Bahamas. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 22, 107–118. Available at http://books.google.com/books?id=C60UAAAAYAAJ
- Strohecker, H.F. (1939) Distributional and taxonomic notes on southeastern Dermaptera and Orthoptera, and a new species of Cycloptilum (Gryllidae). The Canadian Entomologist, 71(8), 169–175. Available at http://entnemdept.ifas.ufl.edu/walker/Buzz/s429ls39.pdf
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Descendants and synonyms
Life zone and ecology data
External links to websites
- Singing Insects of North America [general information, distribution map]
Names | |||
Rank | Total | Valid | Invalid |
species | 3 | 1 | 2 |