
Mogoplistidae Costa, 1855

scaly crickets


Mogoplistes Serville, 1838 type genus of Mogoplistidae Costa, 1855

Nomenclature (47)

  • Mogisoplistites Costa, 1855 (not Latin)

    type genus Mogoplistes Serville, 1838

  • Mogoplistidae Costa, 1855: 50.

    type genus Mogoplistes Serville, 1838

  • ... Show all ... (43)
  • Mogoplistidae Costa, 1855 in Chintauan-Marquier, Legendre, Hugel, Robillard, Grandcolas, Nel, Zuccon & Desutter-Grandcolas, 2016: 76.
  • Mogoplistidae Costa, 1855 in Rentz & Su, 2019: 263.

Nomenclature references (32)

  • Azam, J. (1901) Catalogue synonymique et systématique des orthoptères de France. Miscellanea Entomologica. Revue Entomologique Internationale, 9, 33–48, 97–112, 145–160. Available at
  • Blatchley, W.S. (1920) In Orthoptera of northeastern America with special reference to the faunas of Indiana and Florida. Nature Publishing Co., Indianapolis. 781 pp. Available at
  • ... Show all ... (28)
  • Brunner von Wattenwyl, C. (1873) Système des Gryllides. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 4(4), 163–170. Available at
  • Brunner von Wattenwyl, C. (1882) Prodromus der europäischen Orthopteren. Engelmann, Leipzig, XXXII + 466 pp., XI tab. Available at
  • Burr, M. (1910) In Synopsis of the Orthoptera of Western Europe. Oliver Janson Publ., London. 160 pp.
  • Chintauan-Marquier, I.C., Legendre, F., Hugel, S., Robillard, T., Grandcolas, P., Nel, A., Zuccon, D. & Desutter-Grandcolas, L. (2016) Laying the foundations of evolutionary and systematic studies in crickets (Insecta, Orthoptera): a multilocus phylogenetic analysis. Cladistics, 32(1), 54–81. Available at
  • Chopard, L. (1951) Orthoptéroïdes. In Faune de France. Fédération Française des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles, Paris. Vol. 56, 359 pp. Available at
  • Chopard, L. (1968) Fam. Gryllidae: Subfam. Mogoplistinae, Myrmecophilinae, Scleropterinae, Cachoplistinae, Pteroplistinae, Pentacentrinae, Phalangopsinae, Trigonidiinae, Eneopterinae; Fam. Oecanthidae, Gryllotalpidae. In Orthopterorum Catalogus. Vol. 12, pp. 213–500.
  • Costa, O.G. (1855) Grillidei. Fauna del regno di Napoli. Ortotteri, 37–52. Available at
  • Desutter-Grandcolas, L. (1987) Structure et évolution du complexe phallique de Gryllidea (Orthoptères) et classification des genres néotropicaux de Grylloidea. Première partie. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 23(3), 213–239. Available at
  • Desutter-Grandcolas, L. (1990) In Étude phylogénétique, biogéographique et écologique des Grylloidea néotropicaux (Insectes, Orthoptères). Doctoral thesis, University of Paris. 347 pp.
  • Gorochov, A.V. & Llorente del Moral, V. (2001) Estudio taxonómico preliminar de los Grylloidea de España (Insecta, Orthoptera). Graellsia, 57(2), 95–139. Available at,%2057%282%29,%20p.%2095-139%5D%20%28spanish%29%202001.pdf
  • Gorochov, A.V. (1984) A contribution to the taxonomy of modern Grylloidea (Orthoptera) with a description of new taxa [in Russian]. Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, 63(11), 1641–1651. Available at
  • Gorochov, A.V. (1995) System and evolution of the suborder Ensifera (Orthoptera). Part II. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 260, 1–213. [in Russian]
  • Gorochov, A.V. (2009) Crickets of the family Mogoplistidae (Orthoptera) from Ascension and Saint Helena Islands, Atlantic Ocean. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 313(1), 23–32. Available at
  • Gorochov, A.V. (2015) Evolution and taxonomic significance of the copulatory apparatus in Ensifera (Orthoptera). Part 2: Male genitalia in Grylloidea. Zoosystematica Rossica, 24(1), 31–41. Available at
  • Ingrisch, S. & Köhler, G. (1997) In Die Heuschrecken Mitteleuropas. 460 pp.
  • Ingrisch, S. (2006) New taxa and notes on some previously described species of scaly crickets from South East Asia (Orthoptera, Grylloidea, Mogoplistidae, Mogoplistinae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 113(1), 133–227. Available at
  • Kevan, D.K.M.E. (1982) Orthoptera. In Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill Book Company. Vol. 2, pp. 352–379.
  • Nickle, D.A. & Naskrecki, P. (1997) Recent developments in the systematics of Tettigoniidae and Gryllidae. In The Bionomics of Grasshoppers, Katydids and Their Kin. CAB International, Oxon and New York. pp. 41–58.
  • Oshiro, Y. (1995) In Studies on the Gryllidae from the Ryukyu Islands. Nakimushikai, Okinawa. 1–131 pp.
  • Otte, D. & Perez-Gelabert, D.E. (2009) In Caribbean Crickets. Orthopterist's Society. 792 pp.
  • Otte, D. (1994) Orthoptera Species File 1. Crickets (Grylloidea). The Orthopterists' Society and The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 120 pp.
  • Redtenbacher, J. (1900) In Die Dermapteren und Orthopteren (Ohrwürmer und Geradflügler) von Österreich-Ungarn und Deutschland. Wien. 148 pp. Available at
  • Rehn, J.A.G. & Hebard, M. (1912) A revision of the genera and species of the Group Mogoplistii (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) found in North America north of the Isthmus of Panama. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 64(2), 184–234. Available at
  • Rentz, D.C.F. & Su, Y.N. (2019) In A Guide to Crickets of Australia. CSIRO Publishing. 398 pp.
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  • Storozhenko, S.Y., Kim, T.-W. & Jeon, M.-J. (2015) In Monograph of Korean Orthoptera. National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon. 377 pp.
  • Vickery, V.R. (1977) Taxon ranking in Grylloidea and Gryllotalpoidea. Notes of the Lyman Entomological Museum and Research Laboratory, 3, 1–20. [1976]
  • Yang, J.-T. & Yen, F. (2001) Morphology and character evaluation of scales in scaly crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Mogoplistidae). Zoological Studies, 40(3), 247–253. Available at
  • Yin, H. & Liu, X.-W. (1995) In Synopsis on the classification of Grylloidea and Gryllotalpoidea from China. Shanghai Scientific & Technological Literature Publishing House, Shanghai. 239 pp.
  • de Saussure, H. (1877) Mélanges orthoptérologiques V. fascicule Gryllides. Mémoires de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève, 25(1), 169–504 [1–352]. Available at

Descendants and synonyms


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