
Scapteriscus Scudder, 1868 type genus of Scapteriscini Zeuner, 1939

Nomenclature (8)

  • Scapteriscini Zeuner, 1939: 33.

    type genus Scapteriscus Scudder, 1868

  • Scapteriscini Zeuner, 1939 in Vickery, 1977
  • ... Show all ... (4)
  • Scapteriscini Zeuner, 1939 in Nickle, 2003: 416.
  • Scapteriscini Zeuner, 1939 in Cadena-Castañeda, 2015: 469.

Nomenclature references (8)

  • Cadena-Castañeda, O.J. (2015) The phylogeny of mole crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpoidea: Gryllotalpidae). Zootaxa, 3985(4), 451–490.
  • Desutter-Grandcolas, L. (1990) In Étude phylogénétique, biogéographique et écologique des Grylloidea néotropicaux (Insectes, Orthoptères). Doctoral thesis, University of Paris. 347 pp.
  • ... Show all ... (4)
  • Gorochov, A.V. (1995) System and evolution of the suborder Ensifera (Orthoptera). Part II. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 260, 1–213. [in Russian]
  • Kevan, D.K.M.E. (1977) The higher classification of the Orthopteroid insects: A general view. Memoirs of the Lyman Entomological Museum and Research Laboratory, 4, 1–31.
  • Nickle, D.A. (2003) A revision of the mole cricket genus Scapteriscus with the description of a morphologically similar new genus (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae: Scapteriscinae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 129(3-4), 411–485.
  • Otte, D. (1994) Orthoptera Species File 1. Crickets (Grylloidea). The Orthopterists' Society and The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 120 pp.
  • Vickery, V.R. (1977) Taxon ranking in Grylloidea and Gryllotalpoidea. Notes of the Lyman Entomological Museum and Research Laboratory, 3, 1–20. [1976]
  • Zeuner, F.E. (1939) In Fossil Orthoptera, Ensifera. British Museum (Natural History), London. 321 pp.

Descendants and synonyms


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