
Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (Linnaeus, 1758)

European mole cricket; La Courtilière commune; Maulwurfsgrille

male (Kamenz, Germany). Depicts Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (Linnaeus, 1758), an Otu.
male (Kamenz, Germany). Depicts Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (Linnaeus, 1758), an Otu.
Pl. IX, Fig. 1. female. Depicts Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (Linnaeus, 1758), an Otu.
Pl. VIII, Fig. 24. female tegmen (Gryllotalpa vulgaris). Depicts Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (Linnaeus, 1758), an Otu.
Pl. 9. male habitus (as Gryllotalpa vulgaris). Depicts Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (Linnaeus, 1758), an Otu.

Nomenclature (96)

  • Gryllus (Acheta) gryllotalpa Linnaeus, 1758: 428.

    Syntypes (n= 2); unsexed; 47bcf146-2e9f-426e-b39c-65e3c3d81e3d; deposited at: Uppsala University (UZIU); Europe

  • Gryllus gryllotalpa Linnaeus, 1758 in Linnaeus, 1761: 236.
  • ... Show all ... (92)
  • Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (Linnaeus, 1758) in Brizio, Buzzetti & Pavan, 2020: 454.
  • Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (Linnaeus, 1758) in Danilák, Lukáň & Krištín, 2022

Nomenclature references (86)

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Descendants and synonyms


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