Type specimen

Holotype; a8ebbc1e-3394-43e1-aacf-4da2c1cf0a57; deposited at: Canterbury Museum (CMNZ); New Zealand

Nomenclature (15)

  • Hemideina femorata Hutton, 1896: 218. (valid)

    Holotype; a8ebbc1e-3394-43e1-aacf-4da2c1cf0a57; deposited at: Canterbury Museum (CMNZ); New Zealand

  • Hemideina femorata Hutton, 1896 in Kirby, 1906: 115.
  • ... Show all ... (11)
  • Hemideina femorata Hutton, 1896 in Trewick & Morgan-Richards, 2004: 188.
  • Hemideina femorata Hutton, 1896 in Bowie, Hodge, Banks & Vink, 2006

Nomenclature references (15)

  • Bowie, M.H., Hodge, S., Banks, J.C. & Vink, C.J. (2006) An appraisal of simple tree-mounted shelters for non-lethal monitoring of weta (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae and Rhaphidophoridae) in New Zealand nature reserves. Journal of Insect Conservation, 10, 261–268. Available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/563l812845lj27g6
  • Field, L.H. (1978) The striduladory apparatus of New Zealand Wetas in the genus Hemideina (Insecta: Orthoptera: Stenopelmatidae). Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 8(4), 359–375. Available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03036758.1978.10423318
  • ... Show all ... (11)
  • Field, L.H. (1982) Stridulatory structures and acoustic spectra of seven species of New Zealand wetas (Orthoptera: Stenopelmatidae). International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology, 11(1), 39–51.
  • Gibbs, G.W. (1998) Why are some weta (Orthoptera: Stenopelmatidae) vulnerable yet others are common? Journal of Insect Conservation, 2(3-4), 161–166. Available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/g82mwn350n242330/
  • Gibbs, G.W. (2001) Habitats and biogeography of New Zealand's Deinacridine and tusked weta species. In The Biology of Wetas, King Crickets and their Allies. Wallingford. pp. 35–55. Available at http://books.google.com/books?id=CFItJVfOFDAC
  • Hutton, F.W. (1896) The Stenopelmatidæ of New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute, 29, 208–242. Available at http://rsnz.natlib.govt.nz/volume/rsnz_29/rsnz_29_00_001070.html
  • Johns, P.M. (1997) The Gondwanaland weta: family Anostostomatidae (formerly in Stenopelmatidae, Henicidae or Mimnermidae): nomenclatural problems, world checklist, new genera and species. Journal of Orthoptera Research, 6, 125–138. Available at http://wetageta.massey.ac.nz/PDFs/Articles_from_Jo/Johns%201997.pdf
  • Karny, H.H. (1930) Revision der Gryllacriden des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien einschließlich der Collection Brunner v. Wattenwyl. 2. Hälfte. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 44, 45–198. Available at http://www.biologiezentrum.at/pdf_frei_remote/ANNA_44_0045-0198.pdf
  • Karny, H.H. (1935) Die Gryllacrididen des Pariser Museums und der Collection L. Chopard. Zweiter Teil. Eos, Revista española de Entomología, 10(3-4), 293–393. Available at http://digital.csic.es/bitstream/10261/147219/1/1934-10-3_4-015.pdf
  • Karny, H.H. (1937) Orthoptera Fam. Gryllacrididae, Subfamiliae Omnes. In Genera Insectorum. P. Wytsman [Ed.]. V. Verteneuil & L. Desmet, Bruxelles. Vol. 206, 1–317 pp. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/223806#page/9/mode/1up
  • Kirby, W.F. (1906) Orthoptera Saltatoria. Part I. (Achetidae et Phasgonuridae). In A Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera (Orthoptera Saltatoria, Locustidae vel Acridiidae). British Museum (Natural History), London. Vol. 2, i-viii, 1–562. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/29662
  • Morgan-Richards, M., Daugherty, C.H. & Gibbs, G.W. (1995) Taxonomic status of tree weta from Stephens Island, Mt Holdsworth and Mt Arthur, based on allozyme variation. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 25(2), 301–312. Available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03014223.1995.9517491
  • Morgan-Richards, M., King, T.M. & Trewick, S.A. (2001) The evolutionary history of tree weta: A genetic approach. In The Biology of Wetas, King Crickets and their Allies. Wallingford. pp. 111–124.
  • Ramsay, G.W. (1979) In Annotated bibliography and index to the New Zealand wetas. New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Wellington. 1–56 pp.
  • Trewick, S.A. & Morgan-Richards, M. (2004) Phylogenetics of New Zealand's tree, giant and tusked weta (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae): evidence from mitochondrial DNA. Journal of Orthoptera Research, 13(2), 185–196. Available at http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.1665/1082-6467%282004%29013%5B0185%3APONZTG%5D2.0.CO%3B2
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Life zone and ecology data


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