
Hemiandrus sterope Trewick, Taylor Smith & Morgan-Richards, 2021

Type specimen

Holotype; female; NMNZ AI.041947; deposited at: Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa - Entomology (MONZ); New Zealand: Marlborough: Marlborough, Kenepuru Sound, near Manaroa

Nomenclature (1)

  • Hemiandrus sterope Trewick, Taylor Smith & Morgan-Richards, 2021

    Holotype; female; NMNZ AI.041947; deposited at: Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa - Entomology (MONZ); New Zealand: Marlborough: Marlborough, Kenepuru Sound, near Manaroa

Nomenclature references (1)

  • Trewick, S.A., Taylor Smith, B.L. & Morgan-Richards, M. (2021) Ecology and systematics of the wine wētā and allied species, with description of four new Hemiandrus species. New Zealand J. Zool., 48(1), 47–80.
Asserted distribution
Collection object
Type material

Descendants and synonyms

No records found.
Life zone and ecology data



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