Nomenclature (5)

  • Ammopelmatus kelsoensis Tinkham, 1965: 67.

    Holotype; male; d7a9e30c-31ee-4cb6-a265-33d13a2d901d; deposited at: California Academy of Sciences (CASC); United States: California: San Bernardino: San Bernardino Co., Kelso Dunes

  • Ammopelmatus kelsoensis Tinkham, 1965 in Tinkham, 1968: 125.
  • ... Show all ... (1)
  • Ammopelmatus kelsoensis Tinkham, 1965 in Tinkham, 1972: 224.
  • Ammopelmatus kelsoensis Tinkham, 1965 in Hoekstra, 1998: 180.

Nomenclature references (5)

  • Hoekstra, J.M. (1998) Conserving Orthoptera in the wild: lessons from Trimerotropis infantilis (Oedipodinae). Journal of Insect Conservation, 2(3-4), 179–185.
  • Tinkham, E.R. & Rentz, D.C.F. (1969) Notes on the bionomics and distribution of the genus Stenopelmatus in central California with the description of a new species (Orthoptera: Gryllacrididae). The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 45, 4–14. Available at
  • ... Show all ... (1)
  • Tinkham, E.R. (1965) Studies in Neartic desert sand dune Orthoptera. Part X. A new genus and species of stenopelmatine crickets from the Kelso Dunes with notes on its multi-annual life history and key. The Great Basin Naturalist, 25(3-4), 63–72. Available at
  • Tinkham, E.R. (1968) Studies in Nearctic desert sand dune Orthoptera. Part XI. A new arenicolous species of Stenopelmatus from Coachella Valley with key and biological notes. The Great Basin Naturalist, 28, 124–131. Available at
  • Tinkham, E.R. (1972) Nearctic desert Decticidae (Orthop.). Part XIV A new Eremopedes (Dectididae). The Great Basin Naturalist, 32(4), 223–228. Available at

Descendants and synonyms


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