female ovipositor (lectotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1517457; 03f2a632-b221-4447-b443-9db73b3bf16f, a CollectionObject.
female ovipositor (lectotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1517457; 03f2a632-b221-4447-b443-9db73b3bf16f, a CollectionObject.
2013. individual from Mahé. Depicts Seselphisis visenda (Bolívar, 1912), an Otu.
female pronotum, lateral view (paralectotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1535998; 4cbcc000-5f9e-45f2-baaf-5eefb7a75383, a CollectionObject.
female pronotum, dorsal view (paralectotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1535998; 4cbcc000-5f9e-45f2-baaf-5eefb7a75383, a CollectionObject.
female pronotum, lateral view (paralectotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1535998; 4cbcc000-5f9e-45f2-baaf-5eefb7a75383, a CollectionObject.
female ovipositor (paralectotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1535998; 4cbcc000-5f9e-45f2-baaf-5eefb7a75383, a CollectionObject.
labels (paralectotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1535998; 4cbcc000-5f9e-45f2-baaf-5eefb7a75383, a CollectionObject.
male cerci (paralectotype). Depicts Seselphisis visenda (Bolívar, 1912), an Otu.
female, lateral view (lectotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1517457; 03f2a632-b221-4447-b443-9db73b3bf16f, a CollectionObject.
male left mirror area (paralectotype). Depicts Seselphisis visenda (Bolívar, 1912), an Otu.
female, dorsal view (paralectotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1535998; 4cbcc000-5f9e-45f2-baaf-5eefb7a75383, a CollectionObject.
label (paralectotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1535998; 4cbcc000-5f9e-45f2-baaf-5eefb7a75383, a CollectionObject.
male mirror (paralectotype). Depicts Seselphisis visenda (Bolívar, 1912), an Otu.
female, lateral view (paralectotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1535998; 4cbcc000-5f9e-45f2-baaf-5eefb7a75383, a CollectionObject.

Nomenclature (7)

  • Phisis visenda Bolívar, 1912: 277.
  • Phisis visenda Bolívar, 1912 in Jin, 1987: 283.
  • ... Show all ... (3)
  • Brachyphisis visenda (Bolívar, 1912) in Gerlach & Haas, 2008: 56, 73.
  • Seselphisis visenda (Bolívar, 1912) in Hugel, 2012: 531.

Nomenclature references (7)

  • Bolívar, I. (1912) Orthoptera. Acrydiidae. Phasgonuridae. Gryllidae (of the Seychelles). The Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, 15(2), 263–292. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/55329#page/303/mode/1up
  • Gerlach, J. & Haas, F. (2008) Orthopteroidea of the Seychelles Islands. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, 88 pp.
  • ... Show all ... (3)
  • Hugel, S. (2012) New and little known Phisidini from Madagascar, Comoros and Seychelles (Orthoptera, Ensifera, Meconematinae). Zoosystema, 34(3), 525–552.
  • Jin, X. & Kevan, D.K.M.E. (1992) Taxonomic revision and phylogeny of the tribe Phisidini (Insecta: Grylloptera: Meconematidae). Theses Zoologicae, 18, 360 pp.
  • Jin, X. (1987) The geographical distribution of the predatory genus Phisis Stal, 1861 (Grylloptera: Tettigonioidea) Chapter 23. In Evolutionary Biology of Orthopteroid Insects (Ellis Horwood series in entomology and acarology). Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester, England. pp. 281–292.
  • Matyot, P. (1998) The orthopteroids of the Seychelles: a threatened island fauna. Journal of Insect Conservation, 2, 235–246. Available at http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1023%2FA%3A1009647930445.pdf
  • Paris, M. (1994) Catálogo de tipos de ortopteroides (Insecta) de Ignacio Bolivar, I: Blattaria, Mantodea, Phasmoptera y Orthoptera (Stenopelmatoidea, Rhaphidophoroidea, Tettigonioidea, Grylloidea, Tetrigoidea). Eos, Revista española de Entomología, 69, 143–264. [1993] Available at http://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/170427

Descendants and synonyms


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