- Root
- Animalia
- Neoptera
- Polyneoptera
- Orthopterida
- Orthoptera
- Ensifera
- Tettigoniidea
- Tettigonioidea
- Tettigoniidae
- Tettigoniinae
- Pholidopterini
- Pholidoptera
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773)
Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773)
Dark Bush-cricket; La Decticelle cendrée; Gewöhnliche Strauchschrecke
Nomenclature (70)
- Locusta griseoaptera De Geer, 1773: 436.
Syntype; male; d034ab3c-e6d6-4733-9c65-4f80df5c0fed; deposited at: Swedish Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collections (NHRS); Sweden: Uppsala: near Uppsala. Syntype; female; 2afb29c9-0efc-42f9-9cc6-458458bd1a39; deposited at: Swedish Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collections (NHRS); Sweden: Uppsala: near Uppsala
- Gryllus cinereus Gmelin, 1790: 2071.
- ... Show all ... (66)
- Locusta clypeata Panzer, 1796
- Locusta cinerea (Gmelin, 1790) in Zetterstedt, 1821: 70.
- Locusta cinerea (Gmelin, 1790) in Hagenbach, 1822: 30.
- Locusta aptera Charpentier, 1825: 117. (homonym)
Syntype; 0f7ba7e5-55d9-414b-b6b0-b7e47f1c47d1; location unknown
- Locusta aptera Charpentier, 1825 (secondary homonym of Locusta aptera Fabricius, 1793)
- Pterolepis aptera (Charpentier, 1825) in Serville, 1838: 494.
- Decticus apterus (Charpentier, 1825) in Burmeister, 1838: 711.
- Decticus (Pholidoptera) apterus (Charpentier, 1825) in Wesmaël, 1838: 592.
- Decticus apterus (Charpentier, 1825) in Siebold, 1844: 70.
- Decticus apterus (Charpentier, 1825) in Borck, 1848: 78.
- Thamnotrizon cinereus (Gmelin, 1790) in Eversmann, 1859: 130.
- Thamnotrizon cinereus (Gmelin, 1790) in Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1861: 301.
- Thamnotrizon cinereus (Gmelin, 1790) in Frivaldszky, 1868: 124.
- Thamnotrizon cinereus (Gmelin, 1790) in Graber, 1872: 104.
- Xiphidion clypeatum (Panzer, 1796) in Westwood, 1876: xxvii.
- Thamnotrizon cinereus (Gmelin, 1790) in Redtenbacher, 1900: 115.
- Thamnotrizon cinereus (Gmelin, 1790) in Burr, 1901: 332.
- Thamnotrizon cinereus (Gmelin, 1790) in Burr, 1903: 8.
- Olynthoscelis griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Jacobson & Bianchi, 1905: 408.
- Gryllus cinereus Gmelin, 1790 (subjective synonym of Locusta griseoaptera De Geer, 1773) in Burr, 1906: 46.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Kirby, 1906: 202.
- Gryllus cinereus Gmelin, 1790 (subjective synonym of Locusta griseoaptera De Geer, 1773) in Kirby, 1906: 202.
- Locusta aptera Charpentier, 1825 (subjective synonym of Locusta griseoaptera De Geer, 1773) in Kirby, 1906: 202.
- Locusta clypeata Panzer, 1796 (subjective synonym of Locusta griseoaptera De Geer, 1773) in Kirby, 1906: 202.
- Pholidoptera cinerea (Gmelin, 1790) in Karny, 1907: 28.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Caudell, 1908: 30.
- Pholidoptera cinerea (Gmelin, 1790) in Ebner, 1908: 334.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Lucas, 1920: 151.
- Gryllus cinereus Gmelin, 1790 (subjective synonym of Locusta griseoaptera De Geer, 1773) in Lucas, 1920: 151.
- Locusta clypeata Panzer, 1796 (subjective synonym of Locusta griseoaptera De Geer, 1773) in Lucas, 1920: 151, 156.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Chopard, 1922: 55, 82.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Hebard, 1925: 51.
- Pholidoptera cinerea (Gmelin, 1790) in Ramme, 1951: 216, 371.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Chopard, 1951: 130.
- Gryllus cinereus Gmelin, 1790 (subjective synonym of Locusta griseoaptera De Geer, 1773) in Beier, 1954: 211.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Henderson, 1961
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Jones, 1966
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Miksic, 1967
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Harz, 1969: 355.
- Gryllus cinereus Gmelin, 1790 (subjective synonym of Locusta griseoaptera De Geer, 1773) in Harz, 1969: 355.
- Locusta clypeata Panzer, 1796 (subjective synonym of Locusta griseoaptera De Geer, 1773) in Harz, 1969: 355.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Miksic, 1970
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Murraj, Dino & Alimëhilli, 1970: 139, 141.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Willemse, 1976: 20.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Ueshima & Rentz, 1979: 705.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Warchalowska-Sliwa, 1984
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Bellmann, 1985: 110.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Heller, 1988: 124.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Bellmann & Luquet, 1995: 142-143.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Nagy & Szövényi, 1997: 11.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Detzel, 1998: 278.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Warchalowska-Sliwa, 1998: 166.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Coray & Lehmann, 1998: 48.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Defaut, 1999: 16.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Nagy & Nagy, 2000: 154.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Defaut, 2000: 38.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Defaut, 2001: 19.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Fontana, Buzzetti, Cogo & Odé, 2002: 346.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Voisin, 2003: 28.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Nagy, 2005: 18.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Willemse & Willemse, 2008: 28.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Roesti & Keist, 2009: 53.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Kaňuch, Jarčuška, Schlosserová, Sliacka, Paule & Krištín, 2012
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Massa, Fontana, Buzzetti, Kleukers & Odé, 2012: 253.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Lemonnier-Darcemont, Puskás & Darcemont, 2015
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Ünal, 2018: 28.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Willemse, Kleukers & Odé, 2018: 220.
- Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer, 1773) in Černecká, Dorková, Jarčuška & Kaňuch, 2021
Nomenclature references (63)
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- Burmeister, H.C.C. (1838) Kaukerfe, Gymnognatha (Erste Hälfte: Vulgo Orthoptera). In Handbuch der Entomologie. Theodor Christian Friedrich Enslin, Berlin. Vol. 2, Issue I-VIII, 397–756 pp. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/25467340#page/13/mode/1up
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Descendants and synonyms
Gender, form, and etymology
Having gray wings.
Names | |||
Rank | Total | Valid | Invalid |
species | 13 | 1 | 12 |