Oedaleus decorus (Germar, 1825): male in lateral view (from Croatia: Biševo Isl.). (Otu).
Oedaleus decorus (Germar, 1825): male in lateral view (from Croatia: Biševo Isl.). (Otu).
Oedaleus decorus (Germar, 1825): male in dorsal view (from Croatia: Biševo Isl.). (Otu).
Oedaleus decorus (Germar, 1825): male in frontal view (from Croatia: Biševo Isl.). (Otu).
Oedaleus decorus (Germar, 1825): wings of male specimen (from Croatia: Biševo Isl.). (Otu).
Oedaleus decorus (Germar, 1825): female in lateral view (from Croatia: Hvar Isl.). (Otu).
Oedaleus decorus (Germar, 1825): female in dorsal view (from Croatia: Hvar Isl.). (Otu).
Oedaleus decorus (Germar, 1825): female in frontal view (from Croatia: Hvar Isl.). (Otu).
CollectionObject 1528878; 5c7ae948-9bf6-4843-958d-3c9b2a4c4a9e: labels (syntype of Oedaleus asiaticus). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1528878; 5c7ae948-9bf6-4843-958d-3c9b2a4c4a9e: female, dorsal view (syntype of Oedaleus asiaticus). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1528878; 5c7ae948-9bf6-4843-958d-3c9b2a4c4a9e: female, lateral view (syntype of Oedaleus asiaticus). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1528878; 5c7ae948-9bf6-4843-958d-3c9b2a4c4a9e: female, frontal view (syntype of Oedaleus asiaticus). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1578841; 4198e689-2ff2-488f-9e38-84d1549b4cc6: female (RO: Babadag). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1578842; 6b56d593-a607-4616-849e-90544dfb8cd3: male (RO:Hagieni). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1579377; 77434cc7-0518-4e5c-a40c-a2be13e830ae: male. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1579378; b0dd330e-44e0-4d9c-99e5-b60b7f740bc9: female. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1587047; 7f497169-6f17-492f-b1ec-80c3e6d86a9b: female. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1588044; 08dac240-cd5d-43f9-b6d6-9fd9858638e5: male, GR: Crete, Xerokampos. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1588044; 08dac240-cd5d-43f9-b6d6-9fd9858638e5: female, GR: Crete, Xerokampos. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591765; 5fd9641e-c4e0-45c7-b63d-95c3663e9f71: labels (syntype of Oedaleus asiaticus). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591765; 5fd9641e-c4e0-45c7-b63d-95c3663e9f71: male, dorsal view (syntype of Oedaleus asiaticus). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591765; 5fd9641e-c4e0-45c7-b63d-95c3663e9f71: male, lateral view (syntype of Oedaleus asiaticus). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591765; 5fd9641e-c4e0-45c7-b63d-95c3663e9f71: male, frontal view (syntype of Oedaleus asiaticus). (CollectionObject).

Nomenclature (70)

  • Acrydium decorum Germar, 1825: 12, tab. 17. (valid)

    Neotype; male; c3baebbc-1f42-423a-bfc9-cac92218d350; deposited at: Natural History Museum, London (NHMUK); Dagestan

  • Acrydium decorum Germar, 1825 (subjective synonym of Acrydium nigrofasciatum De Geer, 1773) in Kirby, 1910: 225.
  • ... Show all ... (66)
  • Oedaleus decorus (Germar, 1825) in Popova, Baturina, Molodtsov, Yefremova, Zharkov & Sergeev, 2022
  • Oedaleus asiaticus Bey-Bienko, 1941 in Gankhuyag, Dorjsuren, Choi & Hwang, 2023: 33.

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Descendants and synonyms

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