Tympanophyllum (Tympanophyllum) timanthoides de Jong, 1939: Fig. 90. female right tegmen (length 62 mm). (Otu).
Tympanophyllum (Tympanophyllum) timanthoides de Jong, 1939: Fig. 90. female right tegmen (length 62 mm). (Otu).

Type specimen

Holotype; female; d21a7f14-b865-425d-9361-611a109dd242; deposited at: Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NBC);

Nomenclature (4)

  • Tympanophyllum timanthoides de Jong, 1939: 58.

    Holotype; female; d21a7f14-b865-425d-9361-611a109dd242; deposited at: Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NBC);

  • Tympanophyllum timanthoides de Jong, 1939 in Beier, 1954: 160.
  • Tympanophyllum timanthoides de Jong, 1939 in Beier, 1962: 142.
  • Tympanophyllum timanthoides de Jong, 1939 in Beier, 1963: 46.

Nomenclature references (4)

  • Beier, M. (1954) In Revision der Pseudophyllinen. Instituto Español de Entomología, Madrid. 479 pp.
  • Beier, M. (1962) Orthoptera Tettigoniidae (Pseudophyllinae I). Das Tierreich, 73, 1–468.
  • Beier, M. (1963) Tettigoniidae: Subfam. Pseudophyllinae. In Orthopterorum Catalogus. Vol. 5, 1–246 pp.
  • de Jong, C. (1939) On Indo-Malayan Pterophyllinae (Orthoptera,Tettigoniidae). Zoologische Mededeelingen, 21, 1–109. Available at http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318040
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