
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) brunneus brunneus (Thunberg, 1815)

Brauner Grashüpfer; Common Field Grasshopper; Le Criquet duettiste

Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) brunneus brunneus (Thunberg, 1815): 28 June 2009. male, lateral view (Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Eberstadt, in vineyard). (Otu).
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) brunneus brunneus (Thunberg, 1815): 28 June 2009. male, lateral view (Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Eberstadt, in vineyard). (Otu).
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) brunneus brunneus (Thunberg, 1815): 28 June 2009. male, dorsal view (Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Eberstadt, in vineyard). (Otu).
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) brunneus brunneus (Thunberg, 1815): adult male and nymph (Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Eberstadt, in vineyard), 28 June 2009. (Otu).
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) brunneus brunneus (Thunberg, 1815): male (Germany, Brandenburg, Schorfheide). (Otu).
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) brunneus brunneus (Thunberg, 1815): male (Germany, Brandenburg, Schorfheide). (Otu).
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) brunneus brunneus (Thunberg, 1815): female (Germany, Brandenburg, Schorfheide). (Otu).
Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) brunneus brunneus (Thunberg, 1815): adult male, lateral view (Selby, N Yorkshire, UK, S bank of the River Ouse, just E of Selby Lock, 53°46'56"N, 1°03'25"W, 5m asl), 6 August 2010. (Otu).
CollectionObject 1501518; 51040bef-ade0-45ae-9108-57f811cfae1e: male, lateral view (syntype of Gryllus bicolor). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1501518; 51040bef-ade0-45ae-9108-57f811cfae1e: male, dorsal view (syntype of Gryllus bicolor). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1501518; 51040bef-ade0-45ae-9108-57f811cfae1e: male, ventral view (syntype of Gryllus bicolor). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1501518; 51040bef-ade0-45ae-9108-57f811cfae1e: male, frontal view (syntype of Gryllus bicolor). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1501518; 51040bef-ade0-45ae-9108-57f811cfae1e: labels (syntype of Gryllus bicolor). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1578760; daa18a47-6f14-4012-b3cd-51e158508fb0: male (RO: Macin). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1578760; daa18a47-6f14-4012-b3cd-51e158508fb0: female (RO: Macin). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591806; DORSA BA00038S01, c96daaec-267f-4112-9194-01e5c673e1d4: female, lateral view (syntype of Gryllus bicolor). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591806; DORSA BA00038S01, c96daaec-267f-4112-9194-01e5c673e1d4: female, dorsal view (syntype of Gryllus bicolor). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591806; DORSA BA00038S01, c96daaec-267f-4112-9194-01e5c673e1d4: female, ventral view (syntype of Gryllus bicolor). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591806; DORSA BA00038S01, c96daaec-267f-4112-9194-01e5c673e1d4: female, frontal view (syntype of Gryllus bicolor). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591806; DORSA BA00038S01, c96daaec-267f-4112-9194-01e5c673e1d4: labels (syntype of Gryllus bicolor). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591807; 9d68b10d-d763-4203-94fd-ed38ff2e2475, DORSA BA000385S02: female, lateral view (syntype of Gryllus bicolor). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591807; 9d68b10d-d763-4203-94fd-ed38ff2e2475, DORSA BA000385S02: female, dorsal view (syntype of Gryllus bicolor). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591807; 9d68b10d-d763-4203-94fd-ed38ff2e2475, DORSA BA000385S02: female, ventral view (syntype of Gryllus bicolor). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591807; 9d68b10d-d763-4203-94fd-ed38ff2e2475, DORSA BA000385S02: female, frontal view (syntype of Gryllus bicolor). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1591807; 9d68b10d-d763-4203-94fd-ed38ff2e2475, DORSA BA000385S02: labels (syntype of Gryllus bicolor). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1593824; 75bd005f-51c3-4bc1-a1fd-048df626d4d1: female (SRB, Futog, 06.09.2021). (CollectionObject).

Nomenclature (93)

  • Gryllus brunneus Thunberg, 1815: 256.

    Holotype; female; 0a71ba81-67e3-41fe-8ffe-e1bea03be05a; deposited at: Uppsala University (UZIU); Sweden

  • Gryllus bicolor Charpentier, 1825: 161.

    Syntype; male; 51040bef-ade0-45ae-9108-57f811cfae1e; deposited at: Museum für Naturkunde (MfN); Europe. Syntype; female; DORSA BA00038S01; deposited at: Museum für Naturkunde (MfN); Europe. Syntype; female; DORSA BA000385S02; deposited at: Museum für Naturkunde (MfN); Europe

  • ... Show all ... (89)
  • Chorthippus brunneus (Thunberg, 1815) in Tarasova, Tishechkin & Vedenina, 2021: 28.
  • Chorthippus brunneus (Thunberg, 1815) in Hawlitschek, Ortiz, Noori, Webster, Husemann & Pereira, 2022: 2.

Nomenclature references (79)

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Descendants and synonyms


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