
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853)

Northern Grasshopper

Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): female (Cottonwood-Steverson WMA, about 27 miles north of Hyannis, Nebraska on 26 July 2020). (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): female (Cottonwood-Steverson WMA, about 27 miles north of Hyannis, Nebraska on 26 July 2020). (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male (Cottonwood-Steverson WMA, about 27 miles north of Hyannis, Nebraska, 26 July 2020). (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): Fig. 70. male cercus, lateral view (previously Synonym Pezotettix junius). (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): Fig. 91. furcula of male (previously Synonym Pezotettix junius). (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male genitalia. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male genitalia. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male genitalia. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male genitalia. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male genitalia. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male genitalia. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male genitalia. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male genitalia. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male genitalia. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male genitalia. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male genitalia. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male genitalia. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male genitalia. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male genitalia. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male genitalia. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male genitalia. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male genitalia. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): male genitalia. (Otu).
Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853): geographic distribution. (Otu).

Nomenclature (83)

  • Caloptenus [sic] borealis Fieber, 1853: 120. (valid)
  • Pezotettix septentrionalis Saussure, 1861
  • ... Show all ... (79)
  • Melanoplus gordonae Vickery, 1969 (synonym of Caloptenus [sic] borealis Fieber, 1853) in Haberski, Woller & Sikes, 2021: 5.
  • Melanoplus borealis (Fieber, 1853) in Storozhenko, 2023: 568.

Nomenclature references (53)

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  • Beutenmüller, W. (1894) Descriptive catalogue of the Orthoptera found within fifty miles of New York City. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 6(Article XII), 253–316, plates V-X. Available at http://hdl.handle.net/2246/1570
  • ... Show all ... (49)
  • Bland, R.G. (2003) In The Orthoptera of Michigan: Biology, Keys, and Descriptions of Grasshoppers, Katydids, and Crickets. Michigan State University Extension. 220 pp.
  • Blatchley, W.S. (1920) In Orthoptera of northeastern America with special reference to the faunas of Indiana and Florida. Nature Publishing Co., Indianapolis. 781 pp. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/16768
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Descendants and synonyms


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