Schistocerca pallens (Thunberg, 1815): female. (Otu).
Schistocerca pallens (Thunberg, 1815): female. (Otu).
Schistocerca pallens (Thunberg, 1815): (Otu).
Schistocerca pallens (Thunberg, 1815): male, lateral view. (Otu).
CollectionObject 1525071; f02227b3-c6de-4b08-a886-d0cdee859c68: male, lateral view (lectotype of Schistocerca formosa). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1525071; f02227b3-c6de-4b08-a886-d0cdee859c68: male, dorsal view (lectotype of Schistocerca formosa). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1525536; d953fc51-9c9e-488a-bd50-d86d2ca38707: female, lateral view (lectoallotype of Schistocerca formosa). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1525536; d953fc51-9c9e-488a-bd50-d86d2ca38707: female, dorsal view (lectoallotype of Schistocerca formosa). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1531155; 15aa2c5b-0f1d-4f7c-8869-1a67fc2cfd82: male, lateral view (holotype). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1531155; 15aa2c5b-0f1d-4f7c-8869-1a67fc2cfd82: male, dorsal view (holotype). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1531155; 15aa2c5b-0f1d-4f7c-8869-1a67fc2cfd82: male, labels (holotype). (CollectionObject).

Nomenclature (60)

  • Gryllus pallens Thunberg, 1815: 237.

    Holotype; male; 15aa2c5b-0f1d-4f7c-8869-1a67fc2cfd82; deposited at: Uppsala University (UZIU); South America

  • Cyrtacanthacris pectoralis Walker, 1870: 551.

    Holotype; female; c8779402-378d-4574-ab61-717614269f31; deposited at: Natural History Museum, London (NHMUK); Dominican Republic: Distrito Nacional: Santo Domingo

  • ... Show all ... (56)
  • Schistocerca pallens (Thunberg, 1815) in Pocco & Cigliano, 2020: 106.
  • Schistocerca pallens (Thunberg, 1815) in Cardona, 2020: 187.

Nomenclature references (49)

  • Amédégnato, C., Ruiz-Baliu, A. & Carbonell, C.S. (1995) Acridiofauna Cubana (Orthoptera): sinopsis de su taxonomía y origen. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 39(3), 683–708.
  • Antoniou, A. & Robinson, C.J. (1974) Laboratory studies on the effect of crowding on phase and the life history of Schistocerca pallens (Thunberg)(Orthoptera: Acrididae: Cyrtacanthacridinae). Journal of Natural History, 8, 701–715.
  • ... Show all ... (45)
  • Barrientos-Lozano, L. (1995) The present state of the locust and grasshopper problem in Brazil. Journal of Orthoptera Research, 4, 61–64.
  • Barrientos-Lozano, L., Rocha-Sánchez, A.Y., Buzzetti, F.M., Méndez-Gómez, B.R. & Horta-Vega, J.V. (2013) In Saltamontes y esperanzas del noreste de México (Insecta: Orthoptera). Guía ilustrada. Ciudad de México. 388 pp.
  • Bolívar, I. (1888) Enumération des Orthoptères de l'île de Cuba. Mémoires de la Société Zoologique de France, 1, 116–164. Available at
  • Bruner, L. (1908) Orthoptera. The Acrididae. Biologia Centrali-Americana, 2, 249–342. Available at
  • Bruner, L. (1910) Report on an interesting collection of locusts from Peru. Trudy Russkago Entomologicheskago Obshchestva [= Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae], 39, 464–488. Available at
  • Bruner, L. (1911) South American Acridoidea. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, 8(1), 5–147. Available at
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  • Brunner von Wattenwyl, C. & Redtenbacher, J. (1892) On the Orthoptera of the Island of St. Vincent, West Indies. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 196–220, Pl. 15–17. Available at
  • Buzzetti, F.M. & Carotti, G. (2008) Annotated list of the Caelifera of Ecuador (Biodiversity of South America). Memoirs on Biodiversity, 39–66.
  • Cadena-Castañeda, O.J. & Cardona, J.M. (2015) Introducción a los Saltamontes de Colombia (Orthoptera: Caelifera: Acrididea: Acridomorpha, Tetrigoidea & Tridactyloidea). 1–534 pp.
  • Carbonell, C.S., Cigliano, M.M. & Lange, C.E. (2006) In Especies de acridomorfos (Orthoptera) de Argentina y Uruguay / Acridomorph (Orthoptera) species of Argentina and Uruguay. The Orthopterists' Society.
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  • Cardona, J.M. (2015) In Grasshoppers of Northwest South America. A Photo Guide. Volume 2 - The Eastern Fauna. Blurb. 236 pp.
  • Cardona, J.M. (2020) In Grasshoppers of Northwest South America. A Photo Guide. Volume 3 - The Amazonian Fauna. Blurb. 221 pp.
  • Daguerre, J.B. (1938) Nuestros actuales conocimientos sobre la langosta. III. El equilibrio biológico. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 10, 35–39. Available at
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  • Song, H. (2004) Revision of the Alutacea Group of genus Schistocerca (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Cytracanthacridinae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 97(3), 420–436.
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Descendants and synonyms

Gender, form, and etymology


Latin for pale or greenish.


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