Fig. 6. female habitus (Gryllus pusillus). Depicts Miogryllus convolutus (Johannson, 1763), an Otu.
Fig. 6. female habitus (Gryllus pusillus). Depicts Miogryllus convolutus (Johannson, 1763), an Otu.
Pl.12, Fig.11(7). male Gryllus pusillus. Depicts Miogryllus convolutus (Johannson, 1763), an Otu.
Pl.12, Fig.11(3). male, Gryllus brevipennis. Depicts Miogryllus convolutus (Johannson, 1763), an Otu.

Nomenclature (59)

  • Gryllus convolutus Johannson, 1763: 399.

    Syntype; female; eb4c45bc-09dd-45d6-a155-adc30ef8a9e9; deposited at: Linnean Society of London (LINN);

  • Gryllus (Acheta) convolutus Johannson, 1763 in Linnaeus, 1767: 695.
  • ... Show all ... (55)
  • Gryllodes micromegas Saussure, 1874 (subjective synonym of Gryllus convolutus Johannson, 1763) in Hollier, Bruckner & Heads, 2013: 502, 503.
  • Gryllodes parvipennis Saussure, 1874 (subjective synonym of Gryllus convolutus Johannson, 1763) in Hollier, Bruckner & Heads, 2013: 509.

Nomenclature references (28)

  • Aguilar F., P.G. (1973) Especies de grillos registrados para el Perú. Revista Peruana de Entomología, 16, 121–123. Available at
  • Barrientos-Lozano, L., Rocha-Sánchez, A.Y., Buzzetti, F.M., Méndez-Gómez, B.R. & Horta-Vega, J.V. (2013) In Saltamontes y esperanzas del noreste de México (Insecta: Orthoptera). Guía ilustrada. Ciudad de México. 388 pp.
  • ... Show all ... (24)
  • Burmeister, H.C.C. (1838) Kaukerfe, Gymnognatha (Erste Hälfte: Vulgo Orthoptera). In Handbuch der Entomologie. Theodor Christian Friedrich Enslin, Berlin. Vol. 2, Issue I-VIII, 397–756 pp. Available at
  • Caudell, A.N. (1918) On a collection of Orthoptera (exclusive of the Locustidae) made in Central Peru by N. Iconnicoff & C. Schunke. Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus, 6(1-3), 1–70. Available at
  • Chopard, L. (1954) Orthoptères: Gryllidae et Tridactylidae. In Beiträge zur Fauna Perus. Vol. 4, pp. 13–27.
  • Chopard, L. (1967) Gryllides. Fam. Gryllidae; Subfam. Gryllinae (Trib. Grymnogryllini, Gryllini, Gryllomorphini, Nemobiini). In Orthopterorum Catalogus. Vol. 10, pp. 213 pp.
  • De Geer, C. (1773) In Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire des insectes. Pierre Hesselberg, Stockholm. Vol. 3, 696 pp., 44 pls. Available at
  • Giglio-Tos, E. (1894) Ortotteri del viaggio dell dott. Alfredo Borelli nella Republica Argentina e nel Paraguay. VII. Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia comparata della Royal Università di Torino, 9(184), 1–46. Available at
  • Giglio-Tos, E. (1897) Viaggio del Dott. A. Borelli nel Chaco Boliviano e nella Republica Argentina. X. Ortotteri. Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia comparata della Royal Università di Torino, 12(302), 1–47. Available at
  • Giglio-Tos, E. (1898) Viaggio del Dr. Enrico Festa nella Republica dell'Ecuador et regioni vicine. VI. Ortotteri. Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia comparata della Royal Università di Torino, 13(311), 1–108. Available at
  • Hebard, M. (1915) The American species of the genus Miogryllus (Orthoptera, Gryllidae. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. Devoted to Entomology in General, 23, 101–121. Available at
  • Hebard, M. (1928) Studies in the Gryllidae of Panama (Orthoptera). Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 54, 233–294. Available at
  • Hollier, J.A., Bruckner, H. & Heads, S.W. (2013) An annotated list of the Orthoptera (Insecta) species described by Henri de Saussure, with an account of the primary type material housed in the Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Genève, Part 5: Grylloidea. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 120(3), 445–535. Available at
  • Johannson, B. (1763) Centurio insectorum rariorum. In Amoenitates Academicae seu dissertationes variae Physicae, Medicae, Botanicae anthehac seorsim editae, 2nd ed. Erlanger. Vol. 6, pp. 384–415. Available at
  • Kevan, D.K.M.E. (1962) Gryllinae (Orthoptera) in the Linnean Collection, London. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, 173, 129–131, Pl. 1.
  • Kirby, W.F. (1906) Orthoptera Saltatoria. Part I. (Achetidae et Phasgonuridae). In A Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera (Orthoptera Saltatoria, Locustidae vel Acridiidae). British Museum (Natural History), London. Vol. 2, i-viii, 1–562. Available at
  • Linnaeus, C. (1767) In Caroli a Linné Systema Naturae: Vol. 1, pt. 2. 1327 pp. Available at
  • Marshall, J.A. (1983) The orthopteroid insects described by Linnaeus, with notes on the Linnaean collection. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 78(4), 375–396.
  • Nickle, D.A. (1992) The crickets and mole crickets of Panama (Orthoptera: Gryllidae and Gryllotalpidae). In Insects of Panama and Mesoamerica: Selected Studies. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York & Tokyo. pp. 185–197, 649, 658.
  • Otte, D. (1994) Orthoptera Species File 1. Crickets (Grylloidea). The Orthopterists' Society and The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 120 pp.
  • Rehn, J.A.G. (1917) The Stanford Expedition to Brazil, 1911. J.C. Branner, Director. Orthoptera II. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 43(1), 89–154. Available at
  • Rehn, J.A.G. (1918) On a collection of Orthoptera from the state of Pará, Brazil. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 70, 144–236, 2 pls. Available at
  • Scopoli, J.A. (1786) In Delicidae florae et faunae insubricae: Vol. pars I. Tinici. 85 pp., 25 tavv. Available at
  • Scudder, S.H. (1896) The North American species of Nemobius. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. Devoted to Entomology in General, 4(3), 99–107. Available at
  • Scudder, S.H. (1896) The species of Nemobius found in North America. Psyche, a Journal of Entomology, 7, 431–434. Available at
  • Stål, C. (1861) Orthoptera species novas descripsit. In Kongliga Svenska fregatten Eugenies Resa omkring jorden under befäl af C.A. Virgin åren 1851-1853 (Zoologi). Utgifna of K. Svenska Vetanskaps Akademien (P.A. Norstedt and Soner), Stockholm. Vol. 2, Issue 1, 299–350 pp. [1860] Available at
  • de Saussure, H. (1874) Etudes sur les insectes orthoptères, famille des gryllides. In Mission scientifique au Méxique et dans l'Amérique centrale. Imprimerie Impériale, Paris. Vol. 6, 296–515 pp. Available at
  • de Saussure, H. (1877) Mélanges orthoptérologiques V. fascicule Gryllides. Mémoires de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève, 25(1), 169–504 [1–352]. Available at

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