Miogryllus verticalis (Serville, 1838): Fig. 236. female (body length 11-17 mm, ovipositor 7.2-12 mm). (Otu).
Miogryllus verticalis (Serville, 1838): Fig. 236. female (body length 11-17 mm, ovipositor 7.2-12 mm). (Otu).
CollectionObject 1517613; 343a7801-c8c9-4d06-ba53-c87648893d99: copyright Natural History Museum, London. juvenile male (holotype of Gryllus signatipes ). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1517613; 343a7801-c8c9-4d06-ba53-c87648893d99: copyright Natural History Museum, London. juvenile male, lateral view (holotype of Gryllus signatipes ). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1517613; 343a7801-c8c9-4d06-ba53-c87648893d99: copyright Natural History Museum, London. labels (holotype of Gryllus signatipes ). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1522762; 9a34b759-a794-4c10-ad3c-46e7e7871c76: Male, lateral view (syntype of Gryllus saussurei). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1522762; 9a34b759-a794-4c10-ad3c-46e7e7871c76: Male, dorsal view (syntype of Gryllus saussurei). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1522762; 9a34b759-a794-4c10-ad3c-46e7e7871c76: Male, ventral view (syntype of Gryllus saussurei). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1522762; 9a34b759-a794-4c10-ad3c-46e7e7871c76: Male, labels (syntype of Gryllus saussurei). (CollectionObject).

Type specimen

Syntype; f8caf0f1-9618-4341-a629-87c4b5af094d; French Guiana: Cayenne: Cayenne

Nomenclature (56)

  • Gryllus verticalis Serville, 1838: 343.

    Syntype; f8caf0f1-9618-4341-a629-87c4b5af094d; French Guiana: Cayenne: Cayenne

  • Gryllus signatipes Walker, 1869: 22.

    Holotype; immature; 343a7801-c8c9-4d06-ba53-c87648893d99; deposited at: Natural History Museum, London (NHMUK); America: west coast

  • ... Show all ... (52)
  • Gryllus laplatae Saussure, 1874 (subjective synonym of Gryllus verticalis Serville, 1838) in Hollier, Bruckner & Heads, 2013: 493-494.
  • Miogryllus verticalis (Serville, 1838) in Cadena-Castañeda & García García, 2020: 280.

Nomenclature references (33)

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Descendants and synonyms

  • Miogryllus verticalis (Serville, 1838)
    • =Gryllodes argentinus Bruner, 1916
    • =Gryllopsis atrifrons Chopard, 1930
    • =Gryllus forticeps Saussure, 1874
    • =Gryllodes guyennensis Saussure, 1877
    • =Gryllus laplatae Saussure, 1874
    • =Gryllodes macropterus Bruner, 1916
    • =Miogryllus oklahomae Caudell, 1902
    • =Gryllopsis platythorax Chopard, 1930
    • =Gryllus saussurei Scudder, 1877
    • =Gryllus signatipes Walker, 1869
  • It is likely that this "species" is actually multiple species [Singing Insects of North America: http://buzz.ifas.ufl.edu].
Life zone and ecology data


External links to websites


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