labels (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1502817; cc3b2111-bb4a-46ff-aeaf-7aeaf27f9972, a CollectionObject.
labels (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1502817; cc3b2111-bb4a-46ff-aeaf-7aeaf27f9972, a CollectionObject.
female subgenital plate (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1502817; cc3b2111-bb4a-46ff-aeaf-7aeaf27f9972, a CollectionObject.
labels (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1506562; 1789fccf-6579-47d4-8ca4-6edd8d9b52e0, a CollectionObject.
male head and pronotum, lateral view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1506562; 1789fccf-6579-47d4-8ca4-6edd8d9b52e0, a CollectionObject.
female, lateral view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1502817; cc3b2111-bb4a-46ff-aeaf-7aeaf27f9972, a CollectionObject.
female, dorsal view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1502817; cc3b2111-bb4a-46ff-aeaf-7aeaf27f9972, a CollectionObject.
ovipositor (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1502817; cc3b2111-bb4a-46ff-aeaf-7aeaf27f9972, a CollectionObject.
female, dorsal view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1502817; cc3b2111-bb4a-46ff-aeaf-7aeaf27f9972, a CollectionObject.
male, dorsal view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1506562; 1789fccf-6579-47d4-8ca4-6edd8d9b52e0, a CollectionObject.
male, lateral view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1506562; 1789fccf-6579-47d4-8ca4-6edd8d9b52e0, a CollectionObject.
female, lateral view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1502817; cc3b2111-bb4a-46ff-aeaf-7aeaf27f9972, a CollectionObject.
male cerci (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1506562; 1789fccf-6579-47d4-8ca4-6edd8d9b52e0, a CollectionObject.
female, lateral view (syntype). Depicts CollectionObject 1502817; cc3b2111-bb4a-46ff-aeaf-7aeaf27f9972, a CollectionObject.

Nomenclature (4)

  • Hemielimaea tonkinensis Dohrn, 1906: 350.

    Syntype; female; cc3b2111-bb4a-46ff-aeaf-7aeaf27f9972; deposited at: Museum für Naturkunde (MfN); Vietnam: L?ng Son: Than-Moi. Syntype; male; 1789fccf-6579-47d4-8ca4-6edd8d9b52e0; deposited at: Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Geneva, Switzerland (MHNG); Vietnam: Quàng Nam: Annam, Phuc Son. Syntype; male; c62e54b9-249a-477f-be52-76a38bbae6e6; deposited at: Polish Academy of Science, Museum of the Institute of Zoology (MZPW); Vietnam: L?ng Son: Than-Moi. Syntype; female; 9194842a-80cd-4f8e-a0bd-9108c2b20680; deposited at: Polish Academy of Science, Museum of the Institute of Zoology (MZPW); Vietnam: L?ng Son: Than-Moi

  • Hemielimaea (Pseudelimaea) tonkinensis Dohrn, 1906 in Gorochov, 2004: 363.
  • Hemielimaea (Pseudelimaea) tonkinensis Dohrn, 1906 in Kim & Pham, 2014: 73.
  • Hemielimaea (Pseudelimaea) tonkinensis Dohrn, 1906 in Kang, Liu & Liu, 2014: 356.

Nomenclature references (4)

  • Dohrn, H.W.L. (1906) Orthopterologisches aus dem Stettiner Museum II. Ueber einige Phaneropteriden des indo-malayischen Gebietes. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung, 67, 344–358. Available at
  • Gorochov, A.V. (2004) New and little known katydids of the genera Hemielimaea, Deflorita, and Hueikaeana (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropteriane) from South-East Asia. Russian Entomological Journal, 12(4), 359–368. [2003] Available at
  • Kang, L., Liu, C. & Liu, X.-W. (2014) Fauna Sinica Insecta 57. Orthoptera Tettigoniidae Phaneropterinae. Science Press, Beijing, 574 pp.
  • Kim, T.-W. & Pham, H.-T. (2014) Checklist of Vietnamese Orthoptera (Saltatoria). Zootaxa, 3811(1), 53–82.

Descendants and synonyms


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