
Phaneroptera (Phaneroptera) falcata (Poda, 1761)

Sickle-bearing Bush-cricket; Le Phanéroptère commun; Gemeine Sichelschrecke

female (Germany, Middle Franconia, Reicheneck). Depicts Phaneroptera (Phaneroptera) falcata (Poda, 1761), an Otu.
female (Germany, Middle Franconia, Reicheneck). Depicts Phaneroptera (Phaneroptera) falcata (Poda, 1761), an Otu.
female (Germany, Middle Franconia, Dolomitkuppenalb). Depicts Phaneroptera (Phaneroptera) falcata (Poda, 1761), an Otu.
male, lateral view. Depicts Phaneroptera (Phaneroptera) falcata (Poda, 1761), an Otu.
male face. Depicts Phaneroptera (Phaneroptera) falcata (Poda, 1761), an Otu.
male cerci. Depicts Phaneroptera (Phaneroptera) falcata (Poda, 1761), an Otu.
female. Depicts Phaneroptera (Phaneroptera) falcata (Poda, 1761), an Otu.
Fig. 129 (reproduced with permission). female, lateral view (body length 14.5-20 mm). Depicts Phaneroptera (Phaneroptera) falcata (Poda, 1761), an Otu.
male, lateral view (holotype of Phaneroptera sinensis). Depicts CollectionObject 1529807; 19030f1c-28b2-4e7c-a0b6-d1c46c550fa1, a CollectionObject.
male, dorsal view (holotype of Phaneroptera sinensis). Depicts CollectionObject 1529807; 19030f1c-28b2-4e7c-a0b6-d1c46c550fa1, a CollectionObject.
male, frontal view (holotype of Phaneroptera sinensis). Depicts CollectionObject 1529807; 19030f1c-28b2-4e7c-a0b6-d1c46c550fa1, a CollectionObject.
male cerci (holotype of Phaneroptera sinensis). Depicts CollectionObject 1529807; 19030f1c-28b2-4e7c-a0b6-d1c46c550fa1, a CollectionObject.
male cerci (holotype of Phaneroptera sinensis). Depicts CollectionObject 1529807; 19030f1c-28b2-4e7c-a0b6-d1c46c550fa1, a CollectionObject.
male cerci (holotype of Phaneroptera sinensis). Depicts CollectionObject 1529807; 19030f1c-28b2-4e7c-a0b6-d1c46c550fa1, a CollectionObject.
labels (holotype of Phaneroptera sinensis). Depicts CollectionObject 1529807; 19030f1c-28b2-4e7c-a0b6-d1c46c550fa1, a CollectionObject.
male. Depicts CollectionObject 1581569; d1b2ca21-db9b-46f4-8a9f-9747060062fd, a CollectionObject.

Nomenclature (73)

  • Gryllus falcata Poda, 1761: 52.

    Syntype; 80380840-057d-4399-909d-3fb0d237d358; Austria: Steiermark: Graz

  • Gryllus (Tettigonia) falcatus Poda, 1761 in Schrank, 1781: 245.
  • ... Show all ... (69)
  • Phaneroptera falcata (Poda, 1761) in Barataud, 2021: 708.
  • Phaneroptera falcata (Poda, 1761) in Ozerskij, 2022: 660.

Nomenclature references (67)

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Descendants and synonyms


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