
Tylopsis lilifolia (Fabricius, 1793)

Lily Bush-cricket; Le Phanéroptère liliacé; Lilienblatt-Sichelschrecke

male, green form (North Macedonia, Meckuevci, 22.07.2022). Depicts CollectionObject 1597469; 30de9ad6-5289-4a08-b3e7-61ebae76776e, a CollectionObject.
male, green form (North Macedonia, Meckuevci, 22.07.2022). Depicts CollectionObject 1597469; 30de9ad6-5289-4a08-b3e7-61ebae76776e, a CollectionObject.
male in dorsal view (from Croatia, Pag Isl.). Depicts Tylopsis lilifolia (Fabricius, 1793), an Otu.
female (Albania, Mabë). Depicts CollectionObject 1574122; 70bc29d3-aa32-4523-9677-53b25c4b1757, a CollectionObject.
male (Albania, Mabë). Depicts CollectionObject 1574121; 75512ba2-5bf7-4ee9-8691-43e82bf47425, a CollectionObject.
female (Albania, Pepellash). Depicts CollectionObject 1574026; 56059ded-11df-4e05-b93a-05b41256ab45, a CollectionObject.
female (Albania, Mabë). Depicts CollectionObject 1574122; 70bc29d3-aa32-4523-9677-53b25c4b1757, a CollectionObject.
male (Albania, Mabë). Depicts CollectionObject 1574121; 75512ba2-5bf7-4ee9-8691-43e82bf47425, a CollectionObject.
female in dorsal view (from Pag Isl., Croatia). Depicts Tylopsis lilifolia (Fabricius, 1793), an Otu.
female (RO: Cotu Vaii). Depicts CollectionObject 1578857; cfde0ab4-679c-4a2c-b4db-a603c83cee36, a CollectionObject.
male. Depicts CollectionObject 1496892; 0ac45d7e-5094-4821-95c8-80bf5280c4c5, CH0729, a CollectionObject.
male (Albania, Mabë). Depicts CollectionObject 1574121; 75512ba2-5bf7-4ee9-8691-43e82bf47425, a CollectionObject.
male. Depicts CollectionObject 1584770; 2eed863a-d79b-493b-b81f-bf2342f3d127, a CollectionObject.
male, brown form (North Macedonia, Mekuevci, 22.07.2022). Depicts CollectionObject 1597469; 30de9ad6-5289-4a08-b3e7-61ebae76776e, a CollectionObject.
female (Albania, Pepellash). Depicts CollectionObject 1574026; 56059ded-11df-4e05-b93a-05b41256ab45, a CollectionObject.
female. Depicts CollectionObject 1496893; 4bfb4d2d-4bc5-4dc5-8bc7-df0668db9be6, CH0730, a CollectionObject.
male. Depicts CollectionObject 1496892; 0ac45d7e-5094-4821-95c8-80bf5280c4c5, CH0729, a CollectionObject.
male (BG: VIdno). Depicts CollectionObject 1578742; e00be073-7ece-409f-b5be-049d43b52523, a CollectionObject.

Nomenclature (88)

  • Locusta lilifolia Fabricius, 1793: 36.

    Syntype; c134b953-a172-4dae-9f26-555bd1007906; Italy: Veneto: Monte Summano

  • Locusta gracilis Germar, 1817: 251, 318.

    Syntype; f2279cc3-2df9-40cb-97ca-ae54e055a98d; Croatia: Zadarska: Dalmatia, Zadar

  • ... Show all ... (84)
  • Tylopsis lilifolia (Fabricius, 1793) in Willemse, Kleukers & Baudewijn, 2018: 188.
  • Tylopsis lilifolia (Fabricius, 1793) in Brizio, Buzzetti & Pavan, 2020: 449.

Nomenclature references (69)

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Descendants and synonyms


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