
Teleogryllus (Brachyteleogryllus) occipitalis occipitalis (Serville, 1838)


male, dorsal view. Depicts CollectionObject 1501920; 4223c375-5d37-41b1-a529-0f432d2253fc, a CollectionObject.
male, dorsal view. Depicts CollectionObject 1501920; 4223c375-5d37-41b1-a529-0f432d2253fc, a CollectionObject.
male nymph, frontal view (holotype of Cophogryllus kuhlgatzi). Depicts CollectionObject 1500752; ea706ec7-b8ad-4565-a01c-be86d8a761d7, a CollectionObject.
labels (holotype of Cophogryllus kuhlgatzi). Depicts CollectionObject 1500752; ea706ec7-b8ad-4565-a01c-be86d8a761d7, a CollectionObject.
male nymph, dorsal view (holotype of Cophogryllus kuhlgatzi). Depicts CollectionObject 1500752; ea706ec7-b8ad-4565-a01c-be86d8a761d7, a CollectionObject.
male, lateral view. Depicts CollectionObject 1501920; 4223c375-5d37-41b1-a529-0f432d2253fc, a CollectionObject.
labels. Depicts CollectionObject 1501920; 4223c375-5d37-41b1-a529-0f432d2253fc, a CollectionObject.
male nymph, lateral view (holotype of Cophogryllus kuhlgatzi). Depicts CollectionObject 1500752; ea706ec7-b8ad-4565-a01c-be86d8a761d7, a CollectionObject.
male, frontal view. Depicts CollectionObject 1501920; 4223c375-5d37-41b1-a529-0f432d2253fc, a CollectionObject.

Nomenclature (49)

  • Gryllus occipitalis Serville, 1838: 339. (valid)

    Neotype; male; cd810d59-b216-44fc-9215-f03d3fea3bc1; deposited at: Natural History Museum, London (NHMUK); Indonesia: Sumatera Barat: Fort de Kock [Bukittinggi]

  • Gryllus perspicillatus Serville, 1838: 338.
  • ... Show all ... (45)
  • Teleogryllus (Brachyteleogryllus) occipitalis occipitalis (Serville, 1838) in Zhao & Liu, 2022: 247.
  • Teleogryllus (Brachyteleogryllus) occipitalis occipitalis (Serville, 1838) in Liu, 2022: 162.

Nomenclature references (39)

  • Ai, N. & Matsumura, Y. (1990) Mechanism of regulation for cricket-flight effects of mechanical stimulation to tegula and swelling located in the basal region of hing-wing in cricket, Teleogryllus taiwanemma. Bulletin of Tokyo Gakugei University Section IV Mathematics & Natural Sciences, 42, 131–144, illustr.
  • Bruner, L. (1915) Preliminary catalogue of the Orthopteroid insects of the Philippine Islands. University Studies, 15(2), 195–281 [1–87]. Available at
  • ... Show all ... (35)
  • Burmeister, H.C.C. (1838) Kaukerfe, Gymnognatha (Erste Hälfte: Vulgo Orthoptera). In Handbuch der Entomologie. Theodor Christian Friedrich Enslin, Berlin. Vol. 2, Issue I-VIII, 397–756 pp. Available at
  • Chopard, L. (1967) Gryllides. Fam. Gryllidae; Subfam. Gryllinae (Trib. Grymnogryllini, Gryllini, Gryllomorphini, Nemobiini). In Orthopterorum Catalogus. Vol. 10, pp. 213 pp.
  • Chow, Y.S., Chieng, C.I. & Tsai, R.S. (1990) Acoustic analysis in Taiwan cricket Teleogryllus taiwanemma (Ohmachi et Matsuura) (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Chinese Journal of Entomology, 10(2), 201–208, illustr.
  • Gorochov, A.V. (1985) On the Orthoptera subfamily of Gryllinae (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) from eastern Indochina. In Fauna i ekologiya nasekomykh Vetnama [The fauna and ecology of insects of Vietnam]. Nauka, Moscow. pp. 9–17.
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  • Li, K. & Zheng, Z.-M. (2003) RAPD study of the genus Teleogryllus (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllidae) from China. Entomotaxonomia, 25(1), 9–13.
  • Li, L.-M., Qi, Y.-Q., Li, Y. & Liu, H.-Y. (2016) A contribution to morphology of the female reproductive organs of five cricket species (Orthoptera: Grylloidea). Far Eastern Entomologist, 323, 7–13. Available at
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  • Li, X., Zhang, X., Luo, W., Wang, Y. & Ren, B. (2016) Micromorphological differentiation of left and right stridulatory apparatus in crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Zootaxa, 4127(3), 553–566.
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